The 3 states of mind
Reasonable, Emotion, and Wise Mind
The 3 "what" skills
observe, describe, participate
the 3 "how" skills
non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, effectively
the balance between reasonable mind and emotion mind
Wise Mind
in interpersonal effectiveness, DEAR stands for
describe, express, assert, reinforce
in interpersonal effectiveness, MAN stands for
mindful, appear confident, negotiate
use this interpersonal effectiveness skill with DEAR MAN to focus on the relationship with that person
use this interpersonal effectiveness skill with DEAR MAN to focus on your self-respect
what is opposite action?
changing how you feel by acting contrary to the painful emotion
two physical skills to use to signal to your body that you are accepting reality
half-smiling and willing hands
when you make a conscious decision over and over again to accept something, you are using this skill
turning the mind
the skill for distraction
distract with ACCEPTS
name the 5 senses involved in self soothing
vision, taste, hearing, touch, and smell
what is willfullness?
refusing to make needed changes, giving up, or refusing to tolerate the moment
Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
Paired Muscle Relaxation
which DBT module focuses on being present in the moment?
which DBT module focuses on managing crisis situations and difficult events in our life?
Distress Tolerance
which DBT module focuses on how to manage our emotions more effectively?
Emotion Regulation
which DBT module targets relationship and social skills?
Interpersonal Effectiveness
True or False: Radical acceptance does not mean approval
the PLEASE skill stands for
Physical Illness, Eating, Avoid Substances, Sleeping, and Exercise
True or False: Distress Tolerance skills should be used in every situation and for solving all problems
what does dialectics mean?
two seemingly opposing things can coexist or be true simultaneously