True or False: Group members can log in while driving to group so they won't be late.
True or False: All behaviors (actions, thoughts, emotions) are caused.
True or False: The goal of mindfulness is to get rid of all thoughts.
False! Mindfulness helps us change our relationship with our thoughts.
True or False: The goal of DBT is to get rid of emotions.
Emotions are an important part of our experience. Emotions are messengers and tell us important information about what is important to us.
Describe traits of Emotional mind
Hot, mood dependent, emotion focused, emotions are in control, facts/reason/logic are not important.
The only way (s) out of group
Graduate or miss 4 group/ individual sessions in a row
True or False: People are doing the best they can.
True: All people at any give point are doing the best they can.
Define Mindfulness
Paying attention on purpose
Intentional focused awareness- a practice of purposely attending to the present moment without judgement.
“Falling Awake”
"Awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally,” Jon Kabbat-Zinn
Awareness of one's internal states and external surroundings.
List the 4 skill categories taught in DBT
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotion regulation
Distress Tolerance
Describe traits of Reasonable mind
Cool, rational, task focused, ruled by facts, reason, logic. Values and feelings are not important.
Participants that are running late or are going to miss group will
call or text group leaders to let them know.
To learn new behavior, it must be practiced.....
in all relevant contexts. That means in individual therapy, in skill group, AND in real life situations.
List some of the benefits of practicing Mindfulness.
Research studies have documented the benefits of mindfulness including a decrease in anxiety, depression and irritability. Mindfulness helps us to notice automatic ways of living or our autopilot so we can change these patterns. Mindfulness helps us to live in the present moment so we are not reliving the past or pre-living the future.
Name some of the behaviors we decrease by using DBT skills.
Mindlessness; emptiness; being out of touch with self and others; Judgementalness; Interpersonal conflict and stress; loneliness; absence of flexibility; difficulty with change; up and down extreme emotions; mood dependent behavior; difficulties in regulating emotions; impulsive behaviors; acting without thinking, difficulties in accepting reality as it is; willfulness; addiction.
Describe traits of wise mind
See the value in both reason and emotion, the middle path, intuition, peace or a sense of knowing
Participants support each other by (5)
Maintain confidentiality, come to group, practice skills between groups, validate/avoid judging, give helpful noncritical feedback when asked.
Figuring out and changing the causes of behavior work better than........
Bonus: How do we do that?
judging and blaming. Judging and blaming are easier, but if we want to create change in the world, we have to change the chain of events that cause unwanted behaviors and events.
Bonus answer: Behavior chain analysis
There are formal and informal mindful practices. Give an example of each.
Informal: During any moment noticing thoughts, emotions, body sensations or the environment.
Formal: Meditation, walking, yoga, Qigong, body scan, contemplative prayer.
The ultimate goal of DBT is
to have a life worth living!
We do this by learning skills to change patterns in our emotions, behaviors, thinking, and relationships.
True or False: You can have strong emotions and not be in emotional mind?
Participants DO NOT (3)
Come to sessions under the influence of drugs or alcohol (appear clean and sober if substances already have been used), discuss current or past problem behaviors that could be contagious to others, form sexual or private relationships with other group members
An assumption is
a belief that cannot be proved, but we agree to abide by it anyway.
Describe your experience with mindfulness.
Noticing thoughts, emotions, sensations and the environment; Mind wandering; Focused attention; Boredom; Peace and relaxation; a "slowing down" of time, frustration (endless possibilities).
DBT Therapy is not about “feeling better” but about
learning to be “better at feeling” some of my uncomfortable emotions in the service of
beginning to live a life that is worth living.
Describe how you get into wise mind
Varies from person to person. May be breathing, meditation, visualization, connecting to core values and goals.
It takes a lot of practice. Like tuning into a radio station