Give an example of a mindfulness practice
Answers will vary
Emotions have a _____________ component
What does Dialectical mean?
Any of the following is correct:
Two opposing ideas can be true at the same time
There is always more than one way to think about a situation
What does RO stand for in RO DBT?
Radically Open
How often are we socially signaling when we are around others?
Almost always
Name the Three States of Mind
Emotion, Reasonable, Wise
Individuals who are biologically wired to be more sensitive to emotions find it hard to be what?
Make the following into a dialectical statement
I am so bad at math and I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail
I'm not good at math, and I can try my best to pass the class.
I might fail math class and I can ask my teacher for help to improve my grades.
What are the states of mind in RO-DBT?
And where do we tend to function best?
Fixed mind
Fatalistic mind
Flexible mind
Function best - Flexible mind
What might happen if our social signals are always flat or fake?
People don't trust us or they avoid us
Name the "What" Skills
Observe, Describe, Participate
What does an invalidating environment communicate to an individual?
What you are doing, thinking and feeling doesn't make sense, or is considered inaccurate or an over reaction.
What do dialectics teach us?
Answers may vary:
There is more than one way to solve a problem
change is the only constant
Honor the truth on both sides of a conflict
All people have unique qualities and different points of views
Give an example of how to get from Fixed mind to Flexible mind.
Answers may vary
Related to:
asking the question, what can I learn from this?change physiology, such as eyebrow way, PMR; notice you are fighting something and stop fighting; be playful; be patient and gentle with yourself and forgive yourself for being in fixed mind.
You must reveal what to have long-lasting and intimate relationships?
Name the "How" Skills
Non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, effectively
What are the three biologically based characteristics that contribute to an individual's vulnerability?
2. High Reactivity
3. Slow return to baseline
Why are dialectics useful?
Any 3 of the following
"unstick" conflicts and standoffs
helps us to avoid assumptions and blaming
helps us to be more flexible and approachable
Expands our thoughts and ways of considering life circumstances
You are in flexible mind, how do you know you're in flexible mind: what might you be thinking, doing and feeling?
Answers may vary: You will be Open to feedback and willing to change if necessary. Able to consider different perspectives. Willing to use trial and error when approaching a problem.
What us effective rethinking and what do you pair it with to increase its effectiveness in practice?
helps you evaluate and adjust your emotional reaction to distressing events. Present yourself with alternate viewpoints of the distressing event to help ease the distress.
Paired with - breathing and muscle relaxation
What does Skillful mean?
And give an example.
Taking hold of your life by balancing doing mind and being mind.
Examples may vary - related to enhancing awareness while engaging in activities,
related to letting go of the focus being on achieving goals and throwing self into working toward goals.
Why can an ineffective (or invalidating) social environment result in big problems when you want to learn to regulate emotions and actions?
Your environment may reinforce out of control emotions and actions.
If people give in when you get out of control, it will be hard for you to get in control
If others command you to change, but don't coach you on how to do this, it will be hard to keep on trying to change.
What are the 7 steps to think and act dialectically?
1. Move to Both And thinking
2. Practice looking at all sides of a situation and all points of view.
3. Remember that no one has the absolute truth
4. Use "I statements" instead of "you are" "you should"
5. Accept that different points can be valid even if you don't agree.
6. Check your assumptions
7. Do not assume that others know what you are thinking
When you do your diary card, you don't indicate any skill use during the week. You think that using DBT skills is pointless because life has always been hard, your parents suck, and your circumstances won't ever change. What RO DBT state of mind are you in?----What can you do to get from this state of mind to flexible mind?
Fatalistic Mind
What you can do - answers will vary
Example: Ask what you can learn from Fatalistic mind, such as the reality is, my parents don't have the skills to give me what I need, my life has been hard, and my circumstances have made me more resilient and stronger. I can talk to my friends and my therapist about my hard life and how my parents have not been there for me. I can't blame my parents forever, I can take responsibility over what I have control over. I can ask for help to find out and learn how my life can improve.
You just stepped in dog poo on the sidewalk leading from your front door to the car. You know that your sibling was supposed to pick up the dog poo earlier in the day because that's their chore and your heard your parent tell them to do it. You are so MAD!! You are cursing out your sibling in your mind because they are not there to say it to their face. How would use effective rethinking using the 4 step process?
Answers will vary and will include all 4 steps