Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Boundaries, Values and Goals

You use your 5 senses (Vision, Hearing, Touch, Taste and Smell) along with thoughts/emotions and physical sensations 

What is Mindfulness


Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced Breathing and Paired muscle relaxation

What is TIP Skills


An important step in regulating emotions is ____________ and ____________ current emotions. 

What is identify and label


Describe, Express feelings, Assert wishes, Reinforce, (stay) Mindful, Appear confident, and Negotiate

What is DEAR MAN


___________ ____________ are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships. 

What are Personal Boundaries


The three states of mind

What is Reasonable Mind, Wise Mind and Emotion Mind                              


Stop, Take a step back, Observe, and Proceed mindfully

What is the STOP Skill


_______ _________ is the ability to control or influence which emotions you have, when you have them, and how you experience and express them. 

What is Emotion Regulation 


____________ has to do with communicating clearly to others that you are paying attention to them, that you understand them, that you are nonjudgmental, that you have empathy, and that you can see the facts or the truth of their situation. 

What is Validation 


Authenticity, Beauty, Challenge, Curiosity, Faith, Boldness, Growth, Humor, Loyalty, Service, Success, Security, Status, Wisdom and Reputation are all what? 

What is Core Values 


Observe, Describe, Participate

What are the mindfulness "what" skills


______________ implies a surrendering of one's self-separateness, an entering into, an immersion in the deepest processes of life itself. It is a realization that one already is a part of some ultimate cosmic process and it is a commitment to participation in that process. 

What is Willingness 


Three major functions of emotions:

What is

to motivate action

to communicate to others

to communicate to ourselves


Keeping relationships requires balancing our own priorities with the demands of others.

Relationships require balancing change with acceptance without letting go of either.

Maintaining relationships also require us to remember that relationships are transactional. For relationships to work, it is important to practice looking at all sides of the situations, finding the kernel of truth in others people's views. 

What is "Walking the Middle Path" 


Meaningful __________ can give direction to your life, highlight your most important values, and give a sense of purpose.  

What are goals  


What you "know to be true"

What is Wise Mind 


Distracting with Wise Mind ACCEPTS

What is Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions (opposite to the current ineffective emotion), Pushing away, Thoughts and Sensations. 


When nonverbal expressions of emotion (e.g., action, facial and body expressions, voice tone) don't go with what the person is verbally saying, which type of expression do most people trust?

What is nonverbal expressions


Three potential goals in interpersonal situations 

(all three effectiveness types must always be considered in every situation with a specific interpersonal objective or goal) 

What are

Objectives effectiveness skills: DEAR MAN

Relationship effectiveness: GIVE

Self- Respect Effectiveness: FAST


__________ are what is viewed as important and valuable in one's life. 

What are Values 


The Mindfulness "How" skills

What is nonjudgmental, one mindfully and effectively.


The word IMPROVE is a mnemonic for each of these strategies:

What is Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxing actions, One thing in the moment, Vacation and Encouragement. 


To change unwanted emotions, we must first check the facts. Sometimes this is all that is needed. When the emotion does NOT fit the facts, we need to practice ________ ________. When the emotion fits the facts and the situation is the problem, we need to do _________ _________. 

What is opposite action and Problem Solving


Getting others to do what you ask them to do.

Saying no to unwanted requests and making it stick.

Resolving interpersonal conflict or making changes in relationships.

Getting your rights respected.

Getting your opinion or point of view taken seriously. 

What is Objectives Effectiveness: DEAR MAN


__________ is a set of beliefs about what behaviors are wrong or immoral or sinful.

What is Moral Code
