Emotional Well Being
Take Aways

What is mindfulness?

-living with awareness of the present moment

-living without judging the moment


What are emotions?

Emotions are our complex responses to different situations. 


What is self respect and why is it important?

Self respect effectiveness skills help us to keep or improve our self-respect, while at the same time we try to get what we want in an interaction.


How can DBT help us with our relationships with others?

be gentle, have a welcoming and friendly manner, validating others, being interested in others, problem solving 


Why is mindfulness helpful?

-see reality for what it is

-increase happiness

-gain control


Why do we have emotions?

-help us overcome obstacles 

-energy to act 

-motivate our behavior/actions 

-communicate our feelings with others

-give us information about a situation


What are personal values?

•Values are the things that are important to you, what you cherish about life. 

•Values are ways of living; they are about engaging in activities that you value. It is keeping priorities straight when you make life decisions – big ones and little ones. Values are like guideposts that remind you of what you care about.


What are effective coping skills?

In the moment actions to cope with stress

examples: deep breathing, exercise, distraction, soothing activities, appropriate self expression


Name two examples of mindfulness practices.


-deep breathing


-physical movement


What is problem solving? When do we use it?

When an emotion is justified by the situation, avoiding or changing the situation may be the best way to change one’s emotions. Problem solving is the first step in changing difficult situations.


What is lovingkindness? 

Loving Kindness is a mindfulness practice designed to increase love and compassion first for ourselves and then for our loved ones, for friends, for those we are angry with, for difficult people, and for all beings.


How can you use DBT skills in your life?

coping, interactions with others, problem solving, managing extreme emotions...


Fill in the blank: When you are in your emotion mind you are overly focused on your _______________. When you are in your reasonable mind, you are overly focused on the __________________.

1) emotions

2) facts, rules, reason, logic 


What is the STOP skill?

žWhen emotion mind takes over, you may find that you act impulsively without thinking. When you react impulsively, you do not have time to use your skills and get to your wise mind. To be able to use your skills, you first need to stop yourself from reacting. To help you stay in control, use the STOP skill.

Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed mindfully


What is self care?

Self care is prioritizing your own physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being.


What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy 


What is the Wise Mind?

-inner wisdom

-seeing the value of both reason and emotion-the middle path


What steps can we take to change our emotional responses?

-check the facts

-if it doesn't fit, do the opposite action

-problem solving 


What are TIPP skills?

•Very high emotional intensity can make it impossible to use most skills. TIP skills are rapid ways to reduce emotional intensity. These skills are Temperature (use of cold water on the face), Intensive Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Paired muscle relaxation. Each skill has the effect of rapidly changing your biological response which reduces emotional intensity.


What is something that you are taking away from this group and DBT?

no wrong answer!
