Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance

The three states of mind

What are rational/reasonable mind, wise mind, emotion mind?


The three main skills in IPE

What are DEAR MAN, GIVE, and FAST?

The three functions of emotions

(bonus 50 points for naming the additional RO function)

What are:

1.) Communicate to self

2.) Communicate to others

3.) Motivate to act

Bonus: Connection


The DT skills used to block urges/impulses

(bonus 20 points for each letter correctly explained)

What are TIPP and STOP?

Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, Paired muscle relaxation

Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed mindfully

The two skills for analyzing behavior

What are chain analysis and missing-links analysis?


The "what" skills

What are observe, describe, and participate?


The IPE skill used when the priority is the relationship

(bonus 20 points for each letter correctly explained)

What is GIVE?

be Gentle

act Interested


use an Easy manner


The skill for reducing vulnerability to emotion mind 

(bonus 20 points for each letter correctly explained)


Accumulate positives

Build mastery

Cope ahead

treat PhysicaL illness

balance Eating

avoid mood-Altering substances

balance Sleep

get Exercise


The three components of a situation that make it a crisis according to Marsha Linehan

What are:

1.) Highly stressful

2.) Short-term (that is, it won't last a long time)

3.) Creates intense pressure to resolve the crisis now


Explain the difference between chain analysis and missing-links analysis

What is chain analysis is for when you engage in ineffective behavior and missing-links analysis is for when you fail to engage in effective behaviors?


The "how" skills

What are nonjudgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively?

Definition of dialectics according to Marsha Linehan

What is balancing opposites while entering the paradox of "yes" and "no," "true," at the very same time?


The skills for changing emotional responses

What are check the facts, opposite action, and problem solving? 


The group of DT skills used to tolerate tough situations that don't last long

(bonus 20 points for each letter correctly explained)

What are ACCEPTS, IMPROVE, and self-soothe?

Activities, Contributions, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts, Sensations

Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxing, One thing in the moment, Vacation, self-Encouragement and rethinking the situation


Name some ways to act all the way opposite for envy

What are:

1.) Count all your blessings

2.) Stop exaggerating others' net worth or value; check the facts

3.) Change your posture

4.) Change your body chemistry 


Mindfulness definition according to Marsha Linehan (has three components)

What are:

1.) Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment

2.) Without judging or rejecting the moment

3.) Without attachment to the moment


The three goals of IPE according to Marsha Linehan

What are:

1.) Be skillful in getting what you want and need from others

2.) Build relationships and end destructive ones

3.) Walk the middle path 


The three ways to accumulate positive emotions in the short term according to Marsha Linehan

What are:

1.) Build positive experiences now

2.) Be mindful of positive experiences

3.) Be unmindful of worries


Name some reasons why someone should accept reality

What are:

1.) Rejecting reality does not change reality

2.) Changing reality requires first accepting reality

3.) Pain can't be avoided; it is nature's way of signaling that something is wrong

4.) Rejecting reality turns pain into suffering

5.) Refusing to accept reality can keep you stuck in unhappiness, bitterness, anger, sadness, shame, or other painful emotions

6.) Acceptance may lead to sadness, but deep calmness usually follows

7.) The path out of hell is through misery. By refusing to accept the misery that is part of climbing out of hell, you fall back into hell


Explain the difference between a destructive relationship and an interfering relationship

What is a destructive relationship has the quality of destroying or completely spoiling either the quality of the relationship or aspects of yourself and an interfering relationship is one that blocks or makes difficult your pursuing goals that are important to you?


The three goals of mindfulness according to Marsha Linehan

What are:

1.) Reduce suffering and increase happiness

2.) Increase control of your mind

3.) Experience reality as it is


You want to ask for something. Do a role-play using the correct IPE skill when the priority is the objective. 


You want to change your emotional response but you don't know which skill to use. Explain when/why you would use each skill. 

Check the Facts: changing your beliefs and assumptions to fit the facts can help you change your emotional reactions to situations

Opposite Action: when your emotions do not fit the facts, or when acting on your emotions is not effective, acting opposite (all the way) will change your emotional reactions

Problem Solving: when the facts themselves are the problem, solving the problem will reduce the frequency of negative emotions


Name some factors that interfere with acceptance

What are:

1.) You don't have the skills for acceptance; you do not know how to accept really painful events and facts

2.) You believe that if you accept a painful event, you are making light of it or are approving of the facts, and that nothing will be done to change or prevent future painful events

3.) Emotions get in the way (unbearable sadness; anger at the person or group that caused the painful event; rage at the injustice of the world; overwhelming shame about who you are; guilt about your own behavior)


The four steps in turning the mind

What are: 

1.) Observe that you are not accepting

2.) Make an inner commitment to accept reality as it is

3.) Do it again, over and over

4.) Develop a plan for catching yourself in the future when you drift out of acceptance
