When negotiating in DEARMAN it is the most important that I get what I am asking for
Avoiding extremes and using respectful words is an example of
Being Fair
Saying if you were a good person you would do this for me is an example of being gentle.
Who can experience and give validation
Ourselves and Others
A skill that helps you ask for what you want, keep good relationships and maintain self-respect.
The Definition of Interpersonal effectiveness
If I wanted to share how I am feeling, which part of DEARMAN would I use?
FAST teaches us how to
Keeping our own self-respect
Balancing our own wants, needs and desire with those of others, using validation and showing genuine interest are ways of...
Building and maintaining relationships
Building trust, regulating our emotions, and providing space for others to share are all...
Reasons to validate
Using DEARMAN, GIVE, FAST, VALIDATE are ways to...
Resolve Conflict
Dearman is the skill used the most for?
Effective communication with others.
Apologizing only when you have done something wrong is an important part of FAST.
A Way that you treat others with kindness and a relaxed attitude
Active listening, reflecting back, articulating what may be unsaid, validating in terms of causes, acting on the situation and radical genuineness are..
Levels of Validation
She created and founded DBT
Marsha Linehan
Examples of this are: We can learn to say no, set boundaries and negotiate. We can assure our wants and needs are met reliably
Everyone does not have a right to their own beliefs and if you disagree with someone you should be able to tell them why.
Making eye contact, keeping open posture, active listening are examples of...
Acting Interested
Validation means that you have to agree with the person.
These listed below are examples of:
1. Not having the skills you need
2. Not knowing what you want
3. Your emotions
4. Other people
5. Your own thoughts/beliefs
Factors/Things that get in the way
D- Describe. Just state the facts of the situation using nonjudgmental language.
E- Express. Share your opinions and feelings
A- Assert. Ask clearly for what you want or need, so no or set a boundary.
R- Reinforce. Let others know what is in it for them. Focus on rewards and reinforcement.
M- Be Mindful. Use a broken record approach, repeat requests as needed.
A- Appear Confident. Act as if you feel confident even if you don't
N- Negotiate. Decide how to compromise. Be willing to give to get.
Name and describe all four aspects of FAST
F: Be Fair and treat others with respect.
A: No Apologies. Apologize only when necessary
S: Stick to your Values and goals as guides.
T: Be Truthful, be honest and accountable with yourself and others.
Name and Described all four aspects of FAST
G: Be Gentle, be honest and real with others, speak from your heart
I: Act Interested. Actively listen and pause before responding.
V: Validate, nonjudgmentally acknowledged the other person's feelings, thoughts, beliefs and experience. "walk in their shoes"
E: Use and Easy Manner, treat others with kindness and a relaxed attitude.
Name and Describe the 8 aspects of Validate
V: Value Others, notice the value in others
A: Ask Questions, questions draw out others' experiences
L: Listen and reflect, listen to their answer
I: Identify with others, see the world through their eyes
D: Discuss emotions, talk about their feelings and how their emotions affect them
A: attend to non-verbal's, what information can you get
T: Turn the mind: Validation does not mean agreeing
E: Encourage participation, fully engage in the process.
1. Getting what you want and need from others
2. Build positive and supportive relationships (end destructive one)
3. Walk the Middle Path