What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
What is the foundation or core skill of DBT?
People are doing the _____ ______ _____.
People are doing the best they can.
Give an example of dialectics.
I am doing the best I can AND I need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated to change. I can do this AND it’s going to be hard. My mom is really strict AND she really cares about me. I’ve got big problems AND I can try to solve them. You are tough AND you are gentle.
What does dialectical mean?
Dialectical = two opposite ideas can be true at the same time, and when considered together, can create a new truth and a new way of viewing the situation
Emotion regulation skills help you manage your _____.
People want to _______.
People want to improve.
What is your favorite mindfulness activity?
Using wise mind, walking, breathing, create a gratitude list, using the 5 senses, bubble blowing, listening to music, puzzles, drawing...
DBT aims to replace _______ behaviors with ______ behaviors.
DBT aims to replace problem behaviors with skillful behaviors.
Distress tolerance counteracts __________.
People need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated to ______.
People need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated to change.
Name 3 go-to emotion regulation skills.
Mindfulness, meditation, exercise, art, spending time with friends, talking with someone you trust, art, music, taking a break, challenging unhelpful thoughts, self-compassion, adapting/being flexible, watching a funny video, learning something new...
DBT helps people create a life ______ _______.
DBT helps people create a life worth living.
What are interpersonal effectiveness skills?
Keeping and maintaining healthy relationships, getting what you want, maintaining self-respect, and feeling connected to others.
People may not have ______ all of their own problems and they have to ______ them anyway.
People may not have caused all of their own problems and they have to solve them anyway.
Name a distress tolerance skill.
Distract with “Wise Mind ACCEPTS”, SELF-SOOTHE with Six Senses, IMPROVE the Moment, PROS AND CONS, and TIPP.
DBT skills help teens navigate _________ in their environment (family/school/peers).
DBT skills help teens navigate relationships in their environment (family/school/peers).
Walking the middle path balances ______ and ______.
Walking the middle path balances acceptance and change.
Teens and families must learn and practice new _______ in all the different situations in their lives (e.g., home, school, work, neighborhood).
Teens and families must learn and practice new behaviors in all the different situations in their lives (e.g., home, school, work, neighborhood).
What interpersonal effectiveness skill helps you get someone to do what you want?