T.I.P.P stands for?
Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Paired Muscle Relaxation
We may use this skill when our emotions do NOT fit the facts or when acting on your emotions is NOT effective.
Opposite Action
We use this skill to help us maintain self-respect.
The sun rises in the ____ & sets in the _____
East & West
The three states of mind are?
Emotion Mind, Wise Mind, Reasonable Mind
We use these things to help use practice our Self-Soothing.
The five senses (Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch)
We may use this skill to determine whether our intensity/emotions fit with the situation.
Check The Facts
Skill that prioritizes maintaining the relationship.
Walking the ______ ___
Middle Path
The WHAT and HOW skills are?
Observing, describing, and participating.
One-mindfully, non-judgmentally, and effectively.
I.M.P.R.O.V.E. stands for?
Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxing, One thing in the moment, Vacation, Encouragement and rethinking the situation.
P.L.E.A.S.E. stands for?
Physical Illness, Balanced Eating, Avoid Mood Altering Substances, Balanced Sleep, and Exercise.
Balancing opposites while entering the paradox of "yes" and "no," and "true" and "not true," at the same time is know as?
What is Gabby's favorite musical artist?
What are the four options for solving any problem?
Solve the problem. Feel better about the problem. Tolerate the problem. Stay miserable.
We may use this skill to help us decide between two courses of action.
Pros and Cons
Skill that equates to being effective in asserting our wants and communicating our needs.
Octopuses have how many hearts?
The _______ Theory posits reasons why we may have so much trouble controlling our emotions and actions.
We do not use crisis survival skills for? (Hint: 3 answers)
1.) Everyday problems
2.) Solving all of your life problems
3.) Making your life worth living
Three things that our emotions do for us?
Emotions motivate (and organize) us for action.
Emotions communicate to others.
Emotions communicate to ourselves.
Before we can obtain our objects skillfully, we must...
Clarify our priorities.
Acceptance is NOT..
Approval :)