What does DBT stand for?
a. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
True or False: Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by noticing your experience, putting words to your experience, and getting into your experience.
True or False: Distress tolerance is a person's ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress.
What mindful exercise is this?
As you leave your home you immediately notice the bright blue sky, trees and empty streets. As you pay closer attention you notice flowers along the sidewalk with a slight breeze causing them to tilt to their side every few moments.
Stop Skills
Take a break.
Proceed mindfully.
A mindless exercise is?
after putting something down, you can't remember where you just put it.
"How" skills?
Give an example of a time when you've used pros and cons to weight benefits and costs of a choice.
Example: Deciding to eat healthy: pro = get healthier con= don't get to eat yummy food
Give an example of a middle path.
I trust some people and I find it difficult to trust other people.
four distinct types of skills
improve the moment.
pros and cons
radical acceptance
Define the distress tolerance acronym ACCEPTS.
Activities (to keep busy and involved)
Contributing (help others)
Comparisons (to see that other people struggle too)
opposite Emotions (do something that creates other emotions)
Pushing away (mentally block the situation)
Thoughts (think about something other than your distress)
Sensations (do something physically engaging)
"What" skills?
Observe means to just notice the experience
Describe means to put words on the experience
Participate means to get into the experience
What does it mean to radically accept something?
To acknowledge "what is" in order to free yourself from suffering.
"It is what it is."
what are dialectics?
they teach us that there is more than one way to see a situation and more than one way to solve any problems.
what is turning the mind?
choosing to accept.
What is the opposite ACTION for anger, NOT the feeling.
** What should you do?
To be nice and sympathetic to the person you are angry with. To make conscious effort to not ruminate.
What does it mean to do something "non-judgmentally"?
Bonus (100 points): Give an example of a time where you observed something non-judgmentally.
This means to not attach strong opinions or labels to your experience
Example: "the sky is blue today"
Define three of the letters in IMPROVE.
Bonus: 100
What is does the acronym IMPROVE help you do?
One thing at a time
Bonus: improve the moment/ cope in stressful situations
Give an example of mindful meditation.
what is willfulness?
the opposite of "doing what works" or being effective.
What is the easiest DBT skill?
What are the states of mind?
Reasonable mind, wise mind, and emotional mind.
What is the difference between abstinence and harm reduction?
Swearing off addictive behaviors and acknowledging there will be slips, minimizing the damage, but not demanding perfection.
Why is coping with pain important?
Bonus: 100: Name all 3 reasons
1. pain is part of line and cant always be avoided.
2. if you can't deal with your pain, you may act impulsively.
3. When you act impulsively, you may end up hurting yourself, making choices that harm your health or may prevent you from getting what you want.
Willingness is?
Doing what is needed in each situation, in an unpretentious way.