Name the three states of mind
What are emotional, reasonable/logical, and wise mind
ABC PLEASE: What is the A
Accumulating positive experiences
Accepting things for what they are (even if you don't like it). Accepting things you can't change and not fighting reality
What is radical acceptance.
You use this skill to ask for what you want
What is DEARMAN?
The best DBT word
AND :)
Don’t push away your thoughts and feelings. Just let them happen, even when they’re painful.
What is observe (part of mindfulness)
To do one at least one thing each day to feel competent and in control of your life.
What is Build Mastery
The self soothe skills
What are the six-senses: Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, Movement
You use this skill to keep and maintain healthy relationships
What is GIVE?
What is willfulness?
Digging your heels in: refusing to tolerate a situation, trying to change a situation that cannot be changed, or refusing to change something that must be changed
Rehearse a plan ahead of time so that you are prepared when there is a threat.
What is Cope Ahead
TIPP means...
TIPP your body chemistry with: Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation
FAST stands for:
What is be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, and be Truthful.
What is willingness?
Allowing the world to be what it is and participating in it fully.
Doing just what is needed—no more, no less. It is being effective.
The three "how" skills
What are non-judgmental, stay focused/one-mindfully, and do what works/effectiveness.
What is the PLEASE skill?
Treating physical illness, balance eating, avoid mood altering drugs and alcohol, balance sleep and get exercise
ACCEPTS stands for:
What is Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts and Sensations.
GIVE stands for:
What is be Gentle, show Interest, Validate and use an Easy manner.
What is validating?
Show that you understand the other person’s feelings or opinions.
Be nonjudgmental out loud.
This does not mean you agree.
Acting the opposite to the action urge when the emotion is doing more harm than good
What is opposite action?
The IMPROVE the moment skills are:
What is Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One thing in the moment, Vacation and Encouragement
DEARMAN stands for:
What is Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear Confident, Negotiate
Thinking in terms of good/bad or right/wrong
What is dialectics?