Name one of the three functions of emotions.
Any of the following:
-Motivate us into action
-Communicate to ourselves
-Communicate to others
Check the facts
Name the acronym for skills to reduce vulnerability of emotion mind.
What does it mean to decrease vulnerability to our emotion mind?
To become less sensitive and vulnerable to painful emotions. Practicing skills will help increase your resilience.
Name the three states of mind in DBT.
Emotion mind, rational mind, wise mind
Name one of the reasons why emotions can be difficult to regulate.
Any of the following:
-Lack of skills
-Reinforcement of emotional behavior
-Emotional overload
-Emotion myths
True or False: There is always one absolute truth in all situations.
False! Different opinions on the facts can be valid even if we don’t agree with them - there is always more than one way to see a situation, and more than one way to solve a problem.
What does it mean to "build mastery?"
Doing things that make you feel competent and effective. This is a line of defense against helplessness and hopelessness.
Name one benefit of adding positive events to your life.
Any of the following: positive events increase positive emotions, the absence of positive experiences has negative effects, all people need positive events in their life to be happy.
Name the "what" skill in mindfulness in which individuals sit back and look at things.
Truth or Myth: There is a right way to feel in every situation.
*50 Bonus points for coming up with an appropriate challenge to this myth!
When do you use the Opposite Action skill?
When your emotions do NOT fit the facts, or when acting on your emotions is NOT effective.
Name one of the components to the PLEASE skill.
Any of the following:
-treat PhysicaL illness
-balance Eating
-avoid mood-Altering substances
-balance Sleep
-get Exercise
True or false: values are the same thing as goals.
False! Values are ways of living; they give your life direction and meaning, but they do not have an endpoint.
Name the mindfulness "how" skill in which we focus on the facts themselves, not labeling as good or bad.
Name an action urge for ANGER.
Any of the following:
Hitting, attacking (physically or verbally), throwing things.
When using the Opposite Action skill, it is important to do it _____ ______ ______.
All the way
True or False: accumulating positive experiences does not ever require significant life changes.
False! If positive events do not occur in your life very often, you may need to make changes in your life so that positive events will occur more often.
What is the goal of accumulating positive long-term emotions?
To build a life worth living.
Name the set of Distress Tolerance skills that focus on changing body chemistry.
TIP skills
What is a secondary emotion?
A habitual or learned response to cover up another (usually more vulnerable) emotion.
*50 bonus points for coming up with an example!
Name the skill to use when your emotions DO fit the facts of the situation.
Problem solving
What is the most important step to Coping Ahead?
Hint: athletes often utilize this
Visualizing the situation.
Imagining an activity fires many of the same regions of the brain as actually engaging in that activity does.
What is it called in DBT when your emotions are so extreme or intense that you are unable to use emotion regulation skills?
Skills breakdown point
Name the Interpersonal Effectiveness skill used when the priority of the interaction is to get a need met.