Mindfulness Skills
Distress Tolerance Skills
Emotion Regulation Skills
DBT Miscellaneous
DBT Applied
Don't Judge
What is a "How" skill?
Skills for tolerating painful or uncomfortable events and emotions when you can't make things better right away and you don't want to make things worse.
What are distress tolerance skills?
Examples include: sadness, anger, happiness, guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, nervousness, apprehension, excitement, regret
What is an emotion?
DBT is the acronym
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?
This treatment can help me for the rest of my life if I choose to use the skills I have learned.
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?
What is a "what" skill?
Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell, Touch, Movement
What are "Self-Soothing with Six Senses?"
Whenever you experience an emotion, it's there to tell you something.
What is the job of emotions?
this means that negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences slide off of you
What is teflon (slippery) mind?
This is the opposite of multitasking.
What is mindfulness?
paying close attention to what you're doing in the present moment, noticing when your attention wanders, and bringing it back to what you're doing
What is mindfulness?
"ACCEPTS" is the acronym
What are: Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing away, Thoughts, Sensations?
This shows that thoughts, emotions, and behaviors all affect and influence each other.
What is the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors triangle (diagram)?
This is a research proven effective treatment for people who have difficulty controlling their emotions and behaviors and allows them to increase skillful behavior while reducing problematic behavior.
What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?
This is the state of mind I am in if my anxiety is running high and I am not making wise decisions (e.g., staying in bed, avoiding what's making me anxious, making excuses, yelling at my parents, etc.).
What is emotional mind?
the combination of reasoning with emotions so that neither mode of thinking is controlling you and you're able to consider the consequences of your actions and subsequently act in your own best interest
What is wise mind (or wise self)?
Open your heart to a supreme being, greater wisdom, or your own Wise Mind. Ask for strength to bear the pain in this moment.
What is the IMPROVE the Moment skill, "Prayer?"
Emotions organize us and get us motivated. Emotions communicate and influence others. Emotions can validate us and reward us.
What is "What good are emotions?"
2 opposite ideas can be true at the same time
What is dialectical?
This set of distress tolerance skills are skills that I can use wherever and whenever and other people won't necessarily know that I'm using them because I can utilize them without special props or materials (e.g., I can use them all in my mind).
What is "IMPROVE the Moment?"
reasonable mind, emotional mind, wise mind
What are the three states of mind?
This skill allows people to see that coping skillfully with pain and impulsive urges leads to better results than acting impulsively and rejecting reality. You are supposed to do it BEFORE encountering a potentially difficult situation.
What is "Pros and Cons?"
These mindfulness exercises can help you practice noticing what's a thought, what's a feeling, and what's a behavior, and help you just observe your thoughts and feelings.
What are the River Skill and Cloud Skill.
Dr. Marsha Linehan
Who is the creator of DBT?
These are examples of specific distress tolerance skills that I can use in the moment of feeling extremely anxious (emotional mind) because I have a 10 page college research paper due the next day and I am very behind with writing it. I am panicking that I am going to miss the deadline.
What are Activities, Emotions, Sensations (Distract with Wise Mind ACCEPTS); Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch, Movement (Self-Soothe with Six Senses); Imagery, Meaning, Relaxation, One thing in the Moment, Vacation, Encouragement (IMPROVE the Moment). Bonus: TIPP Skills.