What is DBT?
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Distress Tolerance
Two opposite ideas can be true at the same time
What does Dialectical mean?
These are the two primary types of Mindfulness skills.
What are the What and How skills?
This is one function of emotions (why we need them).
What is urges us to action; gives us information; communicates to others?
These skill helps with keeping our self-respect.
What is FAST – be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, be Truthful.
A skill for helping determine whether to act on or not act on unhelpful urges to by listing the consequences of each.
What is Pros and Cons?
The 5 problem areas to decrease within the goals of skills training.
What is reduced awareness and focus, emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, interpersonal problems, and teenager and family challenges.
These are the three states of mind.
What are Reasonable/Fact Mind, Emotional Mind, and Wise Mind?
When we create a Cope Ahead plan for potentially emotional situations, we are reducing vulnerability to this.
What is Emotion Mind?
We use this skill when we build and maintain relationships.
What is the GIVE skill – be Gentle, act Interested, Validate, use an Easy manner?
Using different senses to comfort yourself when in crisis, such as smelling perfume.
What is Self Soothe with the 5 Senses?
DBT assumes that instead of people being unwilling to use skills, people are actually this.
What is doing the best they can (and they can be doing better)?
If I am just watching my thoughts go by like watching fish swim in an aquarium, I am using this "what" skill.
What is Observe?
Getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, and going to the Dr when we are sick are all part of this skill.
What is the PLEASE skill?
When Worry Thoughts get in the way of using skills, I can challenge them with these.
What are Wise Mind statements (ask for examples)?
Accepting things for what they are, not what we want them to be.
What is Radical Acceptance or Willingness?
This is the overarching goal of DBT.
What is to help people create a life worth living?
When I catch myself making judgments, my goal is to do this.
What is catch and replace them with descriptions; check the facts; don't judge my own judging?
Approaching a situation when we are anxious is an example of practicing this skill.
What is Opposite Action?
We use this part of the DEARMAN skill when we explain the positive effects of getting what we want.
What is Reinforce?
The letters in ACCEPTS stand for these distraction techniques.
What are Activities, Contributions, Comparisons, Emotions, Thoughts, and Sensations?
These are the three main biological components of the biosocial theory of DBT.
What is high sensitivity, high reactivity, and slow return to baseline.
These are some of the reasons we both to practice mindfulness.
What are: giving yourself more control over your behavior; reduce your emotional suffering and increase your pleasure; help you make important decisions; help focus your attention; increase compassion for self and others; lessen your pain and improve your health?
Name the three skills in ABC
What is Accumulating Positive Experiences/Emotions, Building Mastery, and Cope Ahead?
We do this when we show that we understand another person’s feelings or opinions, even if we don’t agree with how they are acting.
What is Validate?
The most effective skill to use when our SUDS are at the top of the thermometer.
What are the TIPP skills: Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation ?