Goals and Modules
Three States of Mind
Dialectics and Middle Path

Two opposite things can be true at the same time, and when considered together can create a new truth and a new way of viewing the situation.

What is dialectical?


These skills help us increase awareness and focus and decrease confusion about the self.

What are Core Mindfulness Skills?


When your emotion takes over you and it is hard to think rationally about consequences.

What is Emotional Mind?


Being aware of your present moment (the here and now), including thoughts, feelings, sensations - without judgment and without trying to change it.

What is Mindfulness?


Finish the dialectic: People are doing the best they can AND...

They need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated to change. (other dialectics also accepted)


Communicating that what you or another person thinks, feels, or how they behave doesn't make sense and is considered not correct or an overreaction.

What is Invalidation?


These skills help us decrease fast and intense mood changes and/or a steady negative emotional state.

What are Emotion Regulation Skills?


Yelling at the barista who did not correctly make your beverage is an example of this state of mind.

What is Emotional Mind?


These three skills are observe, describe, and participate.

What are Mindfulness "What" Skills?


A thinking mistake in which you predict the future negatively without considering other, more likely outcomes. 

What is Overgeneralization?


Acting without thinking it all through; escaping or avoiding emotional experiences.

What is impulsivity?

These skills can help reduce patterns of difficulty keeping relationships steady, getting what you want, keeping self-respect, and loneliness.

What are Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills?


When you act or think about something WITHOUT emotions present or without taking your feelings into account.

What is Reasonable Mind? (Also accepted: What is Logic Mind?)


These three skills are don't judge, stay focused, and do what works.

What are Mindfulness "How" Skills?


Too loose and too strict, making light of problem behaviors and making too much of typical adolescent behaviors, and forcing independence and fostering dependence are also known as what?

What are Family and Teen Dialectical Dilemmas?


To confirm, to corroborate, to verify, to authenticate, and to communicate understanding of another person.

What is validate?


These skills help us decrease impulsivity and make it through situations without making things worse.

What are Distress Tolerance Skills?


The synthesis (or blend) of Emotional Mind and Reasonable Mind. What you "know" to be true.

What is wise mind?


Not being in the habit, avoidance of painful emotions, and judgments are examples of what?

What are reasons it's difficult to practice mindfulness?


You want to stay out with friends til 2 am and your parents counter with midnight. You refuse and think "this is so unfair - I never get what I want!" This is an example of which thinking error?

What is Black and White Thinking?


This word refers to the observe skill of mindfulness.  It means "to let experiences come into your mind and slip right out (not holding on), like a _____ pan."

What is teflon? (also accepted: What is nonstick?)


These skills can help reduce teenager and family challenges.

What are Walking the Middle Path Skills?


I tell myself to keep my therapy appointment and face the discussion so I can cope more effectively, even though I have the urge to avoid the session because I know it will cover a painful topic is an example of this state of mind.

What is Wise Mind?


Do only one thing in the moment, stop multi-tasking, and slow down are three guides to mastering this Mindfulness skill.

What is Stay Focused? (Also accepted: What is one-mindfully?)


Increased argumentativeness, idealism, and criticism; being opinionated are examples of what?

What are Typical Adolescent Behaviors?
