We hope to increase this when we practice mindfulness.
What is awareness.
The three "What" skills
What is observe, describe, participate
The three "How" skills
What is non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively.
The number of states of mind.
What is 3.
What is dialectics.
The reason we practice mindfulness in group.
What is to help increase practice and demonstrate the many ways mindfulness can be done.
Wordless watching - noticing the experience.
What is observe.
Concentrate and let go of distractions.
What is "one-mindfully" or staying focused.
The "hot" state of mind; controlled by feelings and urges.
What is emotion mind.
The five modules in a DBT multifamily skills group
Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Walk the Middle Path
What is non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively.
Getting into the zone, like doing art, playing sports or an instrument.
What is participate.
What is effectively (doing what works).
A gut feeling or a sense of intuition.
What is wise mind.
DBT helps people...
What is 'build a life worth living'
The thing we do in group immediately following a mindfulness practice.
What are observations.
What is describe.
Stick to observable facts of a situation.
What is nonjudgmental stance.
Banking, taxes, recipes, construction.
What is reasonable mind.
Three examples of past group mindfulness practices.
Examples: nonjudgmental selfie, bubbles, mindful eating, sound ball, snap/crackle/pop, collaborative drawing, superman pose
What is turning the lights on in a room.
Teflon mind.
What is observe.
What is "evaluative" and "discriminative"
An example of wise mind.
Answers can vary.
Three ways mindfulness can benefit us.
Answers can vary.