This skill reminds us to accept things for what they are.
Radical Acceptance
You use this skill to ask for what you want
Cool, rational, task-focused, ruled by facts/reason/logic
Reasonable mind
The right time to be mindful
We learn to cope with painful events in this module
Distress tolerance
The 5 self soothing skills
Touch, taste, smell, sound and vision
This module is meant to help us develop and sharpen what type of skill
Communication skills
Hot, mood-dependent, emotion-focused, and ruled by feelings and urges
Emotion Mind
We use mindfulness to
Gain awareness to how we are feeling or behaving, to reduce suffering and increase happiness, to increase control of our minds, to experience life, to remain nonjudgmental of ourselves and others
We are doing this when we: balance both sides, say that no one person is wrong or right, find the middle path, compromise, admit that all perspectives are valid and considered, and commit to flexible thinking
Thinking Dialectically
The IMPROVE the moment skills are meant to help us increase are "tolerance" when faced with this
FAST stands for
Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, and be Truthful.
Sees the value in both reason and emotion, and emphasizes "walking the middle path"
Wise mind
Noticing your body's sensations is an example of this mindfulness skill
The Four Modules of DBT
Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness
These three mindfulness skills tell us to observe, describe and participate.
The "what" skills
GIVE stands for
Gentle, show Interest, Validate and use and Easy manner.
True or False: Reasonable mind is better than Emotion Mind
Non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, and effectively are examples of this mindfulness skill
We use DBT to help us build a life...
worth living
Treating physical illness, balance eating, avoid mood altering drugs and alcohol, balance sleep and get exercise make up what skill?
DEARMAN stands for
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate
We should aim to use this state of mind when choosing a career, maintaining or ending a relationship, and when choosing to act on our target behaviors
Wise mind
We repeat this module after the completion of every other module
Mindfulness :)
The three best group leaders