What is distress tolerance?
Skills to tolerate and survive a crisis.
The "S" in the STOP skills means to what?
Do not just react. Stop! Freeze! Do not move a muscle! Your emotions may try to make you act without thinking. Stay in control
What does each letter in FAST stand for?
A-NO apologies
Stick to your values
what are three things you can do to change your emotional responses?
check the facts
opposite action
problem solving
Something short-term, highly stressful, creates intense pressure to resolve the crisis now.
Self Soothe with the 5 senses. What are they?
Vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch
What does it mean to stick to you values? What happens if you don't stick to your values?
Act in ways that match your values. NOt giving up what is important to you for what is important to someone else.
lose self-respect
What does it mean to check the facts?
Check out whether your emotional reactions fit the facts of the situation.
Don't use Crisis Survival Skills for?
•• Everyday problems. •• Solving all your life problems. •• Making your life worth living.
What does IMPROVE the moment stand for?
Relaxing actions
One thing in the moment
self-encouragement and rethinking the sthe situation.
what are 2 ways of being truthful?
do not act helpless when you are not.
use self-soothe when it is hard to be honest
do not exaggerate
say i dont know instead of lying
admit mistakes
do not leave details out on purpose
What does opposite action mean?
when your emotions do not fit the facts or when acting on your emotions is not effective, acting opposite (all the way) will change your emotional reactions.
Name one situation where you are supposed to use crisis survival skills?
1. You have intense pain that cannot be helped quickly. 2. You want to act on your emotions, but it will only make things worse. 3. Emotion mind threatens to overwhelm you, and you need to stay skillful. 4. You are overwhelmed, yet demands must be met. 5. Arousal is extreme, but problems can’t be solved immediately.
Name 4 components of Wise Mind ACCEPTS.
Pushing Away
Name 5 things you do not apologize for?
Your needs or wants
your emotions
your decisions
saying no
other people actions
your opinions
making a request
other peoples emotions
being successful
name the first 2 steps of opposite action?
identify and name the emotion
check the facts
What are the 3 goals of distress tolerance?
Survive crisis situations, accept reality, and become free.
What does each letter in the TIPP skills stand for?
T-tip the temperature of your face with cold water.
I-intense exercise
P-paced breathing
P-paired muscle relaxation
Instead of "I'm sorry," I can say...name 3
I wish things were different
i know this is hard for you
excuse me
i understand why you are upset
use validation to express an understanding of another point of view
In problem solving, what step comes after identifying your goal in solving the problem?
brainstorm lots of solutions.