This mind ONLY focuses on the facts of the situation.
What is: Rational Mind
A set of skills used to create a life style that reflects balanced actions, balanced emotions, and balanced thinking.
What is: DBT--Dialectic Behavioral Therapy
These skills teach you what to do when you practice being mindful
Adding words to describe what your are noticing or observing.
Hint: This is a WHAT skill for mindfulness
What is: Describing
When you can identify that a conversation is taking at run for the worse and you are shifting into emotional mind, find a common ground and then return to the conversation.
What is: Mutual purpose.
This mind allows for decisions to be made bases ONLY on emotions.
What is: Emotional Mind
Noticing without attachment.
Ex.) Watching the clouds move across the sky
What is: Observer
These skills teach you how to practice mindfulness.
What are: HOW skills
Doing what is congruent (aligns) with your goals.
Hint: This is a HOW skill for practicing mindfulness
What is: Acting-effectively
Taking the other persons thoughts and feelings into condideration
What is: mutual respect
When you combined emotional mind and rational mind you get...
What is: Wise Mind
Strategies for coping with conflict, keeping relationships, and negotiating with others.
What are: Interpersonal effective skills
ACCEPTS skills help us with managing...
What is: Distressed tolerance
What part of ACCEPTS skills has the following definition: "Replace the emotion that reinforces our distress with an emotion that will help us move into wise mind"
What is: Opposite Emotion
What part of SHARE skills has the following definition: immediately acknowledge your wrongs to avoid more suffering and the development of resentment.
What is: Admit when you are wrong
Two opposing truths
What are: Dialects
statements that make a general and fixed judgement about something/someone.
Ex.) Always, never, everyone
What are: Absolutes
PROMISE skills help us manage...
What is: Distress Tolerance
What part of PROMISE skills has the following definition: "ask for advice/help from trusted people who are a part of your recovery."
What part of DEAR MAN skills has the following definition: "clearly explain the benefits and present the possible consequences of not meeting the conversation goal"
What is: REINFORCE..... the benefits of getting what you want to happen or the consequences of not getting what you want
Moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness, that is cultivated by paying attention.
What is: Mindfulness
using skills to successfully cope with stressful situation and unwanted emotions instead of doing something to make things works. It is the ability to perceive the environment as it is without demanding it be different.
What is: Distressed tolerance
Lack of skills, worry thoughts, emotional outbursts, and self-centeredness are all roadblocks to...
What is: Interpersonal effective skills
What part of ACCEPTS skills has the following definition: "Focusing on a neutral or pleasant thought in order to move into wise mind easier."
What is: Distracting with THOUGHTS
What part of SHARE skills has the following definition: Remember ways you have acted in the past and the negative effects your behavior created.
What is: REMEMBER past performances and present behavior.