DBT Examples
DBT Abbreviations
CBT Examples
CBT Review

Emotional, wise, and Reasonable 

What are the three states of mind


This abbreviation is the most commonly known DBT skill that is known for helping develop interpersonal communication with ourselves and others. 

What is the DEAR MAN skill?


An example of this CBT skill is to find both the positive and negatives in any situation

Walking the middle path


This skill is used weekly across the hospital as a way to plan out our week and keep both short term and long term ____ in mind. 

What is goal setting?


An example of this response is talking calmly and asking questions when something does not go our way, even if it is upsetting.

What is a rational response? 


Activating event, belief, consequences, disputing evidence, and effecting (creating) a new belief

What are the ABC's of rational thinking?


This triggers example would be going through a natural disaster. 

What is an external trigger? 


This coping skill is taking a negative thought or action and changing it to a more neutral or positive thought.

What is the reframing skill? 


An example of this response is throwing a plate at our dieticians head when we are given an increase.

What is an example of an irrational response? 


Gentle, Interested, validate, and use an Easy manner

What does the GIVE acronym stand for?


This triggers example is when my negative self talk begins to body shame me. 

What are internal triggers? 


This coping skill is a physical skill that helps the blood flow back to the brain making it easier to have clear thinking and proceed wisely. 

What are breathing techniques? 


The steps to this DBT skill are identifying the emotion you want to change, describing the prompting event, and rethinking the situation with the correct facts 

What are the steps to check the facts? 


Fair, apologizes, sticking to values, and be truthful 

What is the FAIR skill?


This group is done weekly across the hospital and of links that guide the user through a problem behavior and identifying the consequences of negative or positive behavior. 

What is Behavior Chain Analysis? 


This CBT tool has both thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that make up a cycle/structure of all of our actions and thoughts.

What is a cognitive triangle?


The goals of this DBT skill are 1) understanding the emotions I experience ; 2)reduce emotional vulnerability ; 3) decreasing frequency of unwanted emotions, and 4) Decreasing emotional suffering

What is emotional regulation? 


Recently added to the DBT skill sheet, this skill is used to reduce our negative thinking towards others. 

What is the THINK DBT skill?


This type of therapy is used mainly with OCD patients and sometimes eating disorder patients to help them become use to their triggers which decreases the likelihood of extreme reactions. 

What is exposure therapy/desensitization therapy?


This CBT skill is understanding that my ___, others _____, and life _____ are all different and growing emotionally to have an understanding of all three. 

What are Core Beliefs? 
