Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
DBT Skills Categories

Problematic thoughts that interfere with our ability to be effective, myths that we create in our minds about something. 

What are thinking mistakes? 


The action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention/tradition is called _________.

What is rebellion? 


When our emotion does fit the facts of a situation and is not an emotion that we want to keep we use this skill. 

What is problem solving? 


True or False: Research has shown that making friends is essential to our happiness. 

What is true? 


These are the skills we use to tolerate uncomfortable feelings and not make our situation worse.

What is distress tolerance? 


When we are in emotion mind our brain is being hijacked by the __________. 

What is the amygdala?


Lying, stealing, cheating, self-harm, etc. are ___________ ways to rebel. 

What is ineffective? 


There are four ways to solve a problem: stay miserable, radically accept, __________, or change how you feel about it. 

What is solve the problem (or problem solve)? 


There are several ways to build and maintain relationships with others. True or False: Not working on improving your conversation skills can help you build relationships with others.

What is false? 


These are the skills we use to help us gain control of our thoughts and increase effectiveness of using other skills. 

What are mindfulness skills? 


I failed my exam, so I am a failure. This statement is an example of what type of thinking mistake?

What is All-or-Nothing? 


The skill used to rebel in a way that will not make your situation worse, not hurt you or someone else, not go against your goals, and not break any absolute rules is called ___________-.

What is alternate rebellion? 


When a problem cannot be solved, we can use ___________ and mindfulness skills to manage the problem and our emotional reaction to it. 

What is radical acceptance? 


Name one example of a conversation skill. 

- Ask and respond to questions 

- Make small talk 

- Self-disclose skillfully 

- Don't interrupt 

- Learn things to talk about 


These are the skills we use when our emotions cause problems and discomfort in our lives. 

What are emotion regulation skills? 


I forgot to do my homework, I am such an idiot! This statement is an example of what type of thinking mistake? 

What is labeling? 


Name one example of alternate rebellion. 

DBT Leader decides if the answer works! 


There are 7 steps to solving a problem. This is the first step. 

What is figure out and describe the problem situation? 


When deciding to end a relationship you should be in the __________ state of mind. 

What is wise mind? 


These are the skills we use to improve our relationships with others. 

What are interpersonal effectiveness skills? 


This is the skill we use to challenge our thinking mistakes. 

What is check the facts? 


True or False: When practicing alternate rebellion you should select activities that you already normally do. 

What is false? 


Name one of the steps to solving a problem (not the first step). 

- Check the Facts 

- Identify your goal 

- Brainstorm solutions 

- Chooses a solution that fits the goal 

- Put the solution into action 

- Evaluate the results of using the solution 


This type of relationship is one that blocks or makes it difficult to pursue goals that are important to you; decreases your ability to enjoy life and do things you like doing; or threatens the welfare of others who you love. 

What is interfering? 


These are the skills we use when we are stuck and need help looking at both sides of a situation. 

What are middle path skills? 
