Mindfulness/General Skills
Distress Tolerance Skills
Emotion Regulation Skills
Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills
Anything Goes

What is DBT?

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy\

DBT is an effective treatment to help people replace problem behaviors with skillful behaviors. DBT helps people create a life worth living. 


What are some Distract Skills? (hint ACCEPTS)

Distract with: Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts, Sensations


True or False: The goal of emotional regulation skills is to let others take control of our emotions?

False! We want to take charge of our emotions, because our emotions are Important!


What are some goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills?

Maintaining Healthy Relationships, getting somebody to do what you want, maintain self respect...


True or False: We just spent over 20 weeks together learning DBT Skills.


We all learned many DBT skills together which we will take with us for the future.


What does mindfulness help you with?

Reduce emotional suffering, help you focus, increase compassion, lessen stress... Other ideas?


Describe Self Soothe with Six Senses. 

6 Senses- Self Soothe with Vision, Hearing, Smelling, Taste, Touch and Movement


What are emotions good for?

Answers will vary- ideas:

Expressing self, they can influence others (body language, tone of voice), prepare us for what is next (if there is a horn beeping we can get out of the way)


What are the GIVE or FAST Skill? 

GIVE- Be Gentle; Act Interested; Validate; Use and Easy Manner

FAST- Be Fair; No Apologize; Stick to Values; be Truthful


True or False: DBT is like learning a new language. It takes at least 3-6 months just to start feeling comfortable with all the acronyms and terms. 


Use your flash cards and continue to use the skills to Get you off and keep you off Probation!


Name the What Skills. 

Observe, Describe, Participate


Describe Pro/Con

Before an urge hits- write out a Pro/Con list to imagine the consequences that could come about from acting on an Urge. 


Explain the PLEASE Skill

Please- Treat Physical Illness; Balanced Eating; Avoid mood altering drugs; Balanced Sleep; Get Exercise

These will all help increase positive emotions and reduce our emotional mind. 


Who should we Validate?

Others and ourselves (be our own cheerleader); all feelings/opinions matter


True or False: Labeling your emotions is a powerful way to regulate your intense emotions. 

True!  Name it to tame it. 

Being able to verbally describe feelings is necessary so that we can communicate our thoughts and feelings to others and so that we can manage our feelings. Labeling feelings is an initial step in emotional regulation.


Name the How Skills. 

Don't judge, Stay focused and Do what works. 


Describe TIPP

When Emotion is very high TIPP helps decrease your body chemistry to reduce extreme Emotional Mind! 

Temperature Change, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive relaxation of muscles


Describe why or how we could use the Cope Ahead skills?

We would cope ahead to rehearse a plan ahead of time so we are prepared for what is to come. 

Check the Facts; Describe the situation; Imagine the situation; rehearse in our mind how to handle the situation- what skills could we use


What is a Dear Man?

Describe; Express; Assert; Reinforce; Mindful; Appear Confident; Negotiate


Name your favorite DBT Skill. 

Answers will vary 


Describe your experience using mindfulness skills.

Answers vary from person to person based on personal experience.


Describe your experience using Distress Tolerance Skills

Answers vary from person to person based on personal experience.


Describe some Pleasant Activities that helped you in the Short Term

Answers will vary per person. 

Writing, listening to music, singing, baking, going swimming, dancing, fishing...


Tell of a time you used DEAR MAN, GIVE or FAST

Answers will vary per person


One of the benefits of practicing mindfulness is that our mind becomes like "Teflon." 

Describe the concept of Teflon Mind.

Teflon Mind is letting experiences, feelings, and thoughts come into your mind and slip right out. This can be a helpful way to cope with intense emotions. Distressing events and emotions easily become stuck in consciousness. Teflon Mind is a way to pay attention to painful thoughts without getting stuck. We just let thoughts slide off our minds like a fried egg off a non-stick frying pan.
