The definition of TIPP
What is:
Intense Exercise
Paced Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
The Three I.E. Skills.
What are:
These are 2 of the reasons we want to gain control of our emotions.
What are:
Understand the emotions we experience
Reduce emotional vulnerability and stop unwanted emotions from starting in the first place
Decrease the frequency of unwanted emotions
Decrease emotional suffering, stop or reduce unwanted emotions once they start
The Three States of Mind, and their definitions.
What are:
Emotion Mind-what you feel to be true, ruled by feelings and emotions
Reasonable Mind - ruled by thoughts and logic, what you think to be true
Wise Mind - both reason and emotions - what you know to be true
The definition of dialectics.
Two opposite things that can be true at the same time
The crisis survival skill of self soothe includes these senses.
What are: Vision, Smell, Touch, Hearing, Taste, Movement
Three things that stop you from achieving your goals.
What are:
lack of skill
worry thoughts
can't decide
The Ride the Wave Skill.
What is:
Experience your Emotion (observe, step back and notice, get unstuck, experience it as a WAVE, don't push it away, don't hold on to it)
Practice Mindfulness of Emotional Body Sensations
You are NOT your Emotion
Don't Judge Your Emotion
The Mindfulness "WHAT" skills.
What are:
___________ is the only constant.
What is
In Distracting with WISE MIND ACCEPTS, Contributing is the first C. An example of Contributing includes:
What is: cleaning the house, making dinner, baking cookies for a neighbour, helping a friend with homework, doing yardwork for a neighbour
The V in GIVE stands for Validate. One example of validate.
What is:
I can understand how you feel
I realize this is hard
That must have felt...
How to Check The Facts.
What is: ask yourself -
-are you interpreting the situation correctly? Other interpretations?
-are you thinking in extremes
-what is the probability of the worst happening
-even if the worst happened, can you imagine coping with it
The Mindfulness "HOW" skills.
What are:
Don't Judge
Stay Focused
Do What Works
All or Nothing thinking, Catastrophizing, and Mind Reading are examples.
What are:
Thinking Mistakes
The definition of Radical Acceptance.
What is: the skill of accepting that which you cannot change.
What is:
Appear Confident
ABC PLEASE increases positive emotions and reduces vulnerability to Emotion Mind. It stands for this.
What is:
Accumulating positive experiences
Build Mastery
Cope ahead of time
treat Physical illness
balance Eating
Avoid mood altering drugs
balance Sleep
get Exercise
Three examples of mindfulness activities you can do anywhere.
What are:
(unique to each individual - breathing, counting cars, noticing colours, 5 senses, mindful listening, first letter last letter, mindful colouring etc)
Communicating to another person that their feelings, thoughts and actions make sense and are understandable to you in a particular situation.
What is :
Two ways to practice Radical Acceptance include:
What is:
-making a choice
-breathing mindfully / develop accepting mindset
-accept reality with your face - half smile
-practice willingness
-turn the mind back to Reality Road
There are 6 Factors to Consider in asking for what you want. These are 2 of them.
What are:
Give and Take
5 things that you can do off of YOUR pleasant activities list.
What are:
(unique to each person!)
Lead the group in a mindfulness activity.
You Got This!
There are two types of reinforcement, positive and negative. An example of each.
What are:
Positive: giving a candy after a right answer, getting paid
Negative: putting your seat belt on, taking a Tylenol