Interpersonal Effectiveness
Open Ended Questions
True or False
Mindfulness Practice
Socratic Questioning /Cognitive Restructuring

Share with the group one thing that can get in the way of healthy relationships. 

1. Not knowing what to do or say
2. Fear of doing or saying the wrong thing, or fear that you are the problem.
3. Not having good control of emotions.
4.Not knowing what you want.
5. External issues like pressure from others or "no win situations" 


How do you think you can practice being fairer in relationships. 

A way to practice being fairer in a relationship is to think about and approach a situation with someone else, looking out for the best interest of both of you, not just one or the other.


Interpersonal Skills training can teach social skills, assertiveness, listening skills, and negotiation skills. 

True! These skills are used to keep any relationship healthy and alive. 


There is some evidence that the regular practice of mindfulness has beneficial effects. Share with group one or more benefits. 

EX increased emotional regulation, decreased ruminating thoughts and behaviors, enhanced immune response, decreased depression, anxiety, anger, and emotional irritability, decreased psychological distress, and improved immune system. 


What is cognitive restructuring? 

  • The term cognitive restructuring refers to the process of challenging, and changing, irrational thoughts. Socratic Questioning is one technique to encourage this process.

Name one or all three of the goals to keep in mind when using interpersonal effectiveness 

Hint: This has to do with interpersonal skills training to help with social skills, assertiveness, listening skills, and negotiation skills. 

1. Object Effectiveness
2. Relationship Effectiveness
3. Self Respect Effectiveness


Share with the group how you can stick to your values. 

Ex. not giving into peer pressure. 


True or False: FAST breaks down the following skills: F-(Be) Fair A-(No) Apologies S-Stick to your values T-(Be) Truthful. This is a DBT skil you can use to help maintain your self respect. 



What is Mindfulness? 

Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment.

Without judging or rejecting the moment

Without attachment to the moment. 


When can you use socratic quesitoning? 

  • This is used to ask questions that may challenge our irrational thoughts. Once we increase awareness of irrational thoughts, we can begin to consciously question our own thoughts.

Describe Objective Effectiveness. This will help you reach your goal in a situation. You can reach your objective and goal by obtaining your legitimate rights, getting someone to do something, refuse an unwanted or unreasonable request, resolve an interpersonal conflict, and get your opinion taken seriously. Name a DBT skill that identifies with Objective Effectiveness. 


In order to achieve objective effectiveness, you should ask yourself, 1. What specific results or changes do I want from this interaction? 2. What do I have to do to get the results? What will work? Remember, you want to think about what will be more effective.


Share with the group how you can be present to others? 

  • Mindfulness is focussing on the present moment and on the people we are with now. 
  • It can be easy to be around people but far away- thinking about something or someone else, looking for someone else to talk to , wishing we were somewhere else, planning what we will do next, dreaming about other things, focusing on our pain or our suffering. We are not present to the people around us. Others, of course often notice this. They may eventually pull away from us l it is harder them to be ignored in this way. 

True or False, Lying can lead to guilt, shame, and anxiety. 



What are mindfulness skils? 

Mindfulness skills are the specific behaviors to practice, when put together, makeup mindfulness. 


What are core beliefs?

Core beliefs are the thoughts a person has that determine how they interpret their experiences. For example, if someone has the core belief that "The world is a bad place", they will believe that people who are kind have an ulterior motive (someone being kind without reason just doesn't line up with their world view).


Relationship Effectiveness is the way you get and keep a healthy relationship. You want to act in such a way that the other person keeps liking and respecting you, and balance immediate goals with the good of the relationship long term. Name the DBT skill to use for relationship effectiveness.

  • GIVE stands for: G- (Be) Gentle I-(Act) Interested V-Validate E-(Use an) Easy manner
  • This will help you achieve relationship effectiveness 
  • Ask yourself, 1. How do I want the other person to feel about me after the interaction is over? 
  • 2. What do I have to do to get and/or keep this relationship? 

Based on the sleep hygiene protocol, share with the group what we can do to help us sleep instead of ruminating on thoughts. 

EX avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, heavy meals, and exercise late int eh day before going to sleep. 

do not catastrophize. 


Radical Acceptance is a skill that can help us get through times of uncertainty, such as COVID-19. 



What is mindfulness practice? 

Mindfulness and mindfulness skills can be practiced at any time. 

Meditation is practicing meditation 

Contemplative prayer

Mindfulness movement


How do you think core beliefs relate to negative thinking patterns and how do you think that can influence our experiences in life? 

No wrong answer 

  • self-respect effectiveness, which focuses on keeping or improving self-respect and liking yourself. Here, you will want to act in a way that makes you feel moral, by respecting your own values and beliefs. What questions might you want to ask yourself to maintain self-respect?
  • Questions to ask yourself to maintain self-respect include:
  • 1. How do I want to feel about myself after the interaction is over? 
  • 2. What do I have to do to feel that way about myself? What will work?

Situation: Jenny and Annie notice a man looking at them and walking in their direction on a crowded sidewalk. If Jenny's thought is: "This guy seems fine—maybe he's just lost and needs directions." What is their emotion? 

Annie Thinks: "Why is this guy coming toward me? What does he want? He must be up to something." What is her emotion?

Jenny's emotion: Happy/friendly 

Annie's emotion: Scared/Nervous


Core beliefs affect our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. 



Share with he group how can you take a non-judgmental stance. 

Hint: focus on facts, on the: what" not the "good" or "bad: Just the facts. 

SEE, BUT DON’T EVALUATE.  Take a non-judgmental stance.  Just the facts.  Focus on the “what”, not the “good” or “bad”, the “terrible”, the “should” or “should not”. ♦ UNGLUE YOUR OPINIONS from the facts, from the “who, what, when, and where.♦ ACCEPT each moment, each event as a blanket spread out on the lawn accepts both the rain and the sun, each leaf that falls upon it.♦ ACKNOWLEDGE the helpful, the wholesome, but don’t judge it.  Acknowledge the harmful, the unwholesome, but don’t judge it.♦ When you find yourself judging, DON’T JUDGE YOUR JUDGING.


Name the emotion when Jack receives a poor grade on a math test and thinks: "If I was smarter I would've passed. I'm so stupid." 

His behavior : Develops a negative opinion of himself and doesnt make adjustments to test preperation, because he believes he is the problem

Depressed and negative about future tests. 
