Crisis Survival
Reality Acceptance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effect.

When two things, which seem like opposites, can both be true at the same time.

What is dialectics?


A situation that is highly stressful, short-term, and creates intense pressure to resolve it NOW.

What is a crisis?


The willingness to experience a situation or state without trying to change it, protest it, or escape it.

What is Radical Acceptance?


Is this thought absolutely true? Is it helpful for me to think about? Where did this thought come from? What might someone else say about this thought?

What are ways to Check the Facts?


If I ask for something or say no, I can't stand it if someone gets upset with me. 

I must be really inadequate if I can't fix this myself. 

I should be willing to sacrifice my own needs for others.

What are Interpersonal Myths?


Paying attention, on purpose, to the present moment without judgment and without attachment.

What is mindfulness?


The skill that involves taking a step back, observing, and proceeding mindfully.

What is the STOP skill?


Suffering = Pain x ______

What is resistance?


Motivate us for action, communicate to others, and communicate to ourselves.

What do emotions do for us?


What is passive aggressive communication?


The State of Mind that is ruled by moods, feelings, and action urges.

What is Emotion Mind?


What is Tip the Temperature?


What is Turning the Mind?


Rehearsing a plan so that you are prepared to cope skillfully with emotional situations.

What is Cope Ahead?


Objective, relationship, and self-respect.

What are the 3 priorities in interpersonal situations?


The State of Mind that aligns with "walking the middle path."

What is Wise Mind?


Breathing deeply and breathing out more slowly than you breathe in.

What is Paced Breathing?


Turning the corners of your mouth up slightly, just so you can feel them, to communicate willingness to your brain.

What is Half-Smiling?


The idea that being able to name our emotions lessens the intensity of those emotions and reduces our distress.

What is "name it to tame it?"


No attacks, no threats, no judging, no contempt.

What is Gentle in GIVE?


The interactions between inborn biological traits (emotional vulnerability & impulsivity) and an invalidating social environment.

What is the biosocial theory?


Help a friend or family member, surprise someone with a card, give away things you don’t need, or send an encouraging text.

What is Distracting with Contributing?


"Everything that has happened in the past has led up to now."

"There’s no point using my resources to fight the past."

"I can survive the present, even if I don’t like what is happening."

What are radical acceptance coping statements?


Increase pleasant events that lead to positive emotions. Refocus your attention when your mind wanders to the negative.

What is Accumulate Positive Events (short-term)?


"When the dishes aren’t done before we go to bed, I feel stressed—like I can’t unwind. The story I’m making up is that my ability to relax isn’t important to you.”

What is an example of Express in DEAR MAN?


Sprints, dance, shadow boxing, shaking out arms, wall push-ups, and marching in place.

What is Intense Exercise?


The deliberate choice not to act when action is needed. When we put our own desire to be right above the desire to grow.

What is Willfulness?


The skill we use when our emotions do not fit the facts, or when acting on our emotions is not effective.

What is Opposite Action?


Explaining ahead of time the positive impacts of getting what you want or need.

What is Reinforce in DEAR MAN?


Observe, Describe & Participate.

What are the "What" Skills of Mindfulness?


Notice ruminating and say aloud, “No” or “Stop!” Or, put the pain on a shelf. Box it up and put it away for a while.

What is Distracting while Pushing Away?


Dye your hair a wild color, wear crazy underwear, wear clothes inside out, or get a tattoo or body piercing.

What is Alternate Rebellion?


The process of using our values to identify goals and then action steps.

What is Accumulating Positive Events (long-term)?


Acknowledging that a person’s emotions, thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors are caused and therefore are understandable. Confirming the facts of a situation.

What is Validation in GIVE?


The Mindfulness skill that describes doing one thing at a time (the opposite of multi-tasking).

What is One-Mindfully?


Listen to soothing music, pay attention to the sounds of nature, or listen to ambiance videos.

What is Self-Soothing with Hearing?


With hands unclenched, place your hands on your lap with palms up and fingers relaxed to communicate willingness to your brain.

What is Willing Hands?


The skill we use when our emotions do fit the facts and when acting on our emotions is effective.

What is Problem-Solving?


Being honest and accountable with yourself and others, not acting helpless, and not exaggerating or giving excuses.

What is Be Truthful in FAST?


The Mindfulness skill that can best be defined as "focusing on what works."

What is Effectively?


Set a timer, get in bed & pull the covers up over your head; go to the beach for the day; or put your phone on airplane mode for a couple of hours. 

What is IMPROVE the Moment with Brief Vacation?


1. Reality is as it is. 

2. Everything has a cause. 

3. Life can be worth living even with painful events in it.

What must be radically accepted?


Breaking down tasks into manageable chunks to feel competent and effective.

What is Build Mastery?


Capability, priorities, self-respect, rights, authority, relationship, long-term goals, give and take, homework, and timing.

What are factors to consider when deciding how intensely to ask for something or say no?


Not sleeping well for 3 nights, sustaining an injury, &/or the anniversary of an important loss is approaching.

What are vulnerability factors?


Count colors in a painting, repeat lines from a favorite movie in your mind, or listen to a podcast.

What is Distracting with Other Thoughts?


If I let go of anger, I'm letting someone off the hook for causing pain.

Radical acceptance means I'm agreeing with what happened.

If I radically accept this situation, I'll won't be able to stand the grief or disappointment that comes up.

What are Radical Acceptance myths?


The skill in PLEASE that can reduce physical pain, improve executive functioning, increase self-esteem, and lower and prevent stress.

What is Exercise?


The psychological phenomenon that describes how people tend to develop a preference for people that are more familiar to them than others.

What is the mere exposure effect?
