What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
What are the 5 DBT Modules?
Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Walking the Middle Path
What is the official state fruit of New Jersey?
People can do better, try harder, and be more _____ to change.
Name at least 2 of the 3 "what" skills in mindfulness.
Observe, Describe, and Participate
What does DBT aim to replace?
DBT aims to replace maladaptive behaviors with skillful behaviors.
What module aims to decrease impulsive behaviors?
Distress Tolerance
What does TIPP stand for? (Name at least two!)
Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
(100 bonus points if you can name WHEN to use TIPP!)
People want to _____.
Name one way of practicing distress tolerance/crisis survival skills.
ACCEPTS, TIPP, IMPROVE, Self-sooth (6 senses), or pros & cons.
Not doing your diary card, refusing to participate in life, digging your heels in, and feeling stuck are all examples of...
What is Willfulness?
Bonus 50+ if you know what the skillful version of willfulness is!
What are the 3 states of mind?
Emotion Mind + Reasonable Mind = Wise Mind
True or false: smiling even just a little when we feel emotional pain can influence our emotional state.
What is the name of this skill? (50+)
People are doing the ____ they can.
A skill that asks us to say hello to people when we are shy, to call a friend when we want to isolate, or *not* apologize for existing.
What is Opposite Action?
What is the purpose of DBT? (What's the DBT motto?)
DBT helps us to create a life worth living.
When we use the describe skill, what is the ONLY thing we describe?
One in ___ people experience mental health challenges at some point in their life.
There is no absolute _____.
True or false: approval is the same as acceptance
False: Radically Accepting something does not mean we have to agree with or approve of it.
What does Dialectical mean?
Dialectical = two opposite ideas can be true at the same time.
What types of skills are used when a person is having difficulties with keeping relationships steady?
Interpersonal Effectiveness
What animal cannot walk backwards?
A Kangaroo!
People may not have created their own ____ but they have to ____ them anyway.
Name at least two out of four parts of the GIVE skill.
(be) Gentle, (act) Interested, Validate, and (use an) Easy Manner