What is an example of practicing mindfulness?
Examples include: meditation, contemplative prayer, mindful movement (yoga, tai chi, walking, etc.), mindfully washing dishes or putting away laundry, etc.
What are Crisis Survival Skills and when do you use them?
Crisis Survival Skills include: STOP, Pros and Cons, TIP Your Body Chemistry, Distract with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, Self Soothe and IMPROVE the Moment.
Use when you are in a crisis, in emotion mind, or at your skills break down point and you don't want to make things worse by acting on your crisis urges.
What does PLEASE stand for?
PL- Treat Physical Illness
E- Balanced Eating
A- Avoid Mood-Altering Substances
S- Balance Sleep
E- Get Exercise
What are the 3 priorities in interpersonal communication?
Objective, Relationship and Self-Respect.
When should you use a BCA (Behavior Chain Analysis)?
When you have engaged in problem behaviors or acted ineffectively.
What is mindfulness?
Intentionally living with awareness, without judgment, in the present moment.
What does STOP stand for?
Stop, Take a Step Back, Observe, & Proceed Mindfully.
What are the 3 ways that you can change emotional responses?
Check the facts, Opposite Action and Problem Solving.
What do you use the GIVE skills for?
To keep and maintain relationships.
What is an example of reinforcement.
Examples of reinforcement include: praise, compliments, hugs, stickers, removal of seat belt alarm, stopping nagging, removal of alarm clock ringing, removal of headache pain, etc.
Describe the three states of mind in DBT?
Reasonable Mind (Cool, Rational, Task-Focused), Emotion Mind (Hot, Mood-Dependent, Emotion-Focused) and Wise Mind (The wisdom within each person, seeing value in both reason and emotion, bringing left brain and right brain together, finding the middle path, choosing what is effective).
What are two ways that you practice Distract with Wise Mind Accepts?
Two examples of Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, with different Emotions, Pushing Away, with other Thoughts OR with other Sensations.
What do emotions do for you?
Emotions motivate us for action, communicate to others, and communicate to ourselves.
What does DEARMAN stand for?
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Be Mindful, Appear Confident and Negotiate.
How would you define "Willingness"?
Willingness is readiness to enter and participate fully in life and living, doing just what is needed to be effective and acting in wise mind.
What are the "What" and "How" Skills?
"What" Skills: Observe, Describe, Participate
"How" Skills: Nonjudgmentally, One-Mindfully, and Effectively
Describe what an Ice Dive is and what it does.
An ice dive is when you put your full face into cold water and hold your breathe, it tells your brain you are diving underwater. Your heart slows down, blood flow to nonessential organs is reduced, and blood flow is redirected to the brain and heart. This response can actually help regulate your emotions.
Give an example of practicing opposite action.
Example: When I feel angry, I want to attack (yell, lash out, etc.), so I gently avoid the person I am wanting to yell at and be a little kind by kindly saying that I need a moment to calm down.
Why would you use FAST and what does it stand for?
To stand up for yourself and your values/morals and keep your self respect.
Be Fair to Yourself and Others, No Apologies, Stick to Your Values, and Be Truthful.
What are the 4 questions in a Missing Links Analysis?
1. Did you know what effective behavior was needed or expected?
2. Were you willing to do what was needed?
3. Did the thought of doing what was needed or expected ever enter your mind?
4. What got in the way of doing what was needed or expected?
What are the 3 elements of self compassion and how might you practice self compassion?
3 elements of self-compassion include: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
Self compassion can be practiced by taking a self-compassion break, reminding yourself that you are human and it's okay to make mistakes, or treating yourself as you would treat your best friend or loved one.
What are the steps to Turning the Mind?
1. Observe that you are rejecting reality.
2. Make an Inner Commitment to accept reality as it is.
3. Do it Again, over and over.
4. Develop a plan for catching yourself in the future when you drift out of acceptance.
What is Cope Ahead and give an example of how your would use it?
Cope Ahead: Describe the triggering event. Share urges, emotions, thoughts, etc. likely to interfere with acting skillfully, write out skills that you would use including skills for the "catastrophe", then visualize the event and coping like you were in the scenario, then follow with relaxation.
Examples: See Cope Ahead Worksheet.
What are the 6 levels of validation?
Paying Attention, Reflecting Back, Reading Minds, Understanding, Acknowledging the Valid and Showing Equality.
What is dialectics and give an example.
Dialectics means that two things that seem like opposites can both be true.
Example: I am independent and need help from others. I am right and the other person is also right.