Strategies for increasing behavior
Strategies for decreasing behavior
Two opposing sides that can both be true.
What is "Dialectics"
Acknowledging that a person's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors have causes and are therefore understandable.
What is "Validation"

This type of reinforcement involves adding a pleasant stimulus after a behavior, like giving praise after a task is completed, to increase the likelihood of that behavior occurring again.

What is positive reinforcement?

An aversive consequence that decreases a behavior
What is "Punishment"
Emotion mind, Wise mind and Reasonable mind
What are the "3 states of mind" from mindfulness.
Provide an example of opposite sides that can both be true.
What is... examples found on handout 16A and/or other acceptable answers. Examples could include: You are tough AND gentle, you can be with others AND be lonely, The day can be sunny AND it can rain, You can have a disagreement with somebody AND also be friends. etc.
Name one thing Validation is 'NOT'
What is...Options include -Validation is NOT necessarily agreeing with the other person -Validation is NOT necessarily agreeing -Validation is Not validating what is actually invalid Answers came from IE handout 17 from Walking middle path section.

This is the psychological principle that explains why removing a headache with aspirin encourages the use of aspirin in the future.

What is negative reinforcement?


This phenomenon may occur when a behavior temporarily increases in frequency, intensity, or duration after the removal of reinforcement.

What is an extinction burst?

Observe, Describe, Participate
What are the Mindfulness "What" skills
Name 2 of the 4 things dialectics remind us of.
What are... options include: -The universe is filled with opposing sides/opposing forces -Everything and every person is connected in some way -Change is the only constant -Change is transactional
Name 2 reasons why it's important to validate.
What is...answers could include... -It improves our relationships by showing we are listening and understand -It improves interpersonal effectiveness by reducing anger, negative reactivity and pressure to prove who is right. -It makes problem solving, closeness and support possible -Because invalidation hurts.

The effectiveness of this reinforcement strategy relies on the immediacy of the reward following the desired behavior, making the behavior more likely to be repeated.

Why is timing important in positive reinforcement?


This term describes the process of no longer providing the reinforcement that has been maintaining a behavior.

What is "extinction" Extinction leads first to a burst of behavior, and then to a decrease in behavior.

Non-Judgmentally, One-Mindfully and Effectively
What are the Mindfulness "How" skills.
Provide an example of an important opposite you are trying to balance in your own life.
What is...examples of important opposites to balance are found on IE Handout 16B in walking middle path section. Possible examples include: Working AND resting, Emotion regulation AND emotion acceptance, Accepting reality AND working to change it.
Invalidation can be helpful and painful at the same time. Provide an example of when invalidation is helpful.
What is when.. -It corrects important mistakes (Your facts are wrong). -It stimulates intellectual and personal growth by listening to other views. IE Handout 19 in walking middle path section.

This behavioral technique involves gradually reinforcing closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior until the target behavior is achieved, commonly used in both animal training and human behavior modification.

What is "shaping"


This type of consequence occurs as a direct result of the behavior itself without any external imposition by parents, teachers, or other authorities, often teaching life lessons more effectively than imposed punishments.

What is a natural consequence? (e.g., you failed the test because you stayed up all night and were too tired to focus in school).

Questions to ask to understand how and why effective behavior that is needed or expected did not occur.
What is "missing links analysis" -Did you know what effective behavior was needed or expected. -were you willing to do the needed or expected effective behavior. -did the thought of doing the needed or expected effective behavior ever enter your mind. -what got in the way of doing the needed or expected effective behavior right away
Provide 3 examples of ways to think and act dialectically.
What are...Possible answers are found on IE handout 16 and include: let go of extremes, balance opposites, embrace confusion, look for similarities among people instead of differences, practice getting used to change, practice letting go of blame, pay attention to your effect on others and Ask wise mind "What am I missing?". etc.
Provide 3 of 6 strategies from the validation "how to" guide from IE handout 18 in walking middle path section.
What is..options include: - Pay attention -Reflect back -"read minds" be sensitive to what is not being said -Understand -Acknowledge the valid -Show equality
An important factor to consider when shaping behavior is.
What is "timing" it is important to reinforce behavior immediately after it occurs. Caution: When you vary reinforcement, behavior becomes very hard to stop.

Identify two reasons it is important to reinforce an alternative behavior to replace behavior you want stopped.

What is -Extinction and punishment weaken or suppress behavior, but do not eliminate it. -Extinction and punishment do not teach new behavior -To keep a behavior from resurfacing, reinforce an alternative behavior. -punishment works only when the punisher is (or is likely to be) present. - Punishment leads to avoidance of the person punishing.

Name the steps in a Chain Analysis
What is -Describe problem behavior -Describe prompting event that started the chain -Identify vulnerability factors -Describe chain of events -Describe consequences of the problem behavior.