What gift is given after repenting and being baptized?
(Acts 2:38)
Holy Ghost
If you could go on a mission any where, where would you like to go?
(Personal anwser)
How does the lord establish his word? (2corinthians 13:1)
John the baptist
What priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of the angels and gospel of repentance? (D&C 13:1)
Aaronic priesthood
What ordinance did Joseph Smith preform on Oliver Cowdry that gave then an understanding of scriptures? (Joseph Smith History 1:73-74)
What priesthood do missionaries hold?
What did Joseph smith have that allowed him to see the plates? (D&C 17:5)
What two young men were called John the Baptist’s fellow servants?
Joseph smith and Oliver cowdry.
What priesthood holds the keys of the kingdom and the key of knowledge of god?
To obtain the highest degree of celestial glory, what ordinance do you have to do? (D&C 131:1-4)
Marriage/ sealing
Name 2 temples that have or will have 2 fonts. (can look up)
Syracuse, salt lake, London, smith field
True or false
nine of the witnesses of the book of mormon ever denied the truth of the book of mormon
Who says this scripture behold I am he, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two edged sword, to the diving sssunder of both joints and marrow, therefore, give heed unto my word.
What are the ordinances and blessings given through priesthood authority?
Baptism, Holy Ghost, sacrament, endowment, and sealing
What is a blessing the savior has given you through preisthood ordinances?
(Personal answer)
When John whittmer prayed to know what would be of the most worth unto him, what was the lords response? (D&C 15:4-6)
Bringing souls unto him/ missionary work
Who are the original 3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon? (Testimony of the 3 witnesses)
Oliver Cowdry, David Whitmer, Martin Harris,
Who are the 3 witnesses?
Oliver cowdry, David Whitmer, & Martin harris
What 3 ancient disciples did John the Baptist say he was acting under when he appeared to Joseph smith and Oliver cowdry?
Peter, james, and John.
What 2 things enable men to be able to see the face of god and live? (D&C 84:19-22)
Ordinances and the priesthood (Power of god)
Our prophet declared in general conference that anytime you do anything for anyone on either side Of the veil you are bringing souls to Christ. What are two things that we can do to follow this guidance?
Baptisms for the dead, family history work, indexing, talking to friends, being an example… etc.
What did Martin Harris have to give up in order to help with the printing of the book of mormon? (Watch video)
His farm
Who gave Joseph smith provisions while he translated the plates, so he would not have to stop. (D&C 12)
Joseph knight Sr. And Joseph knight Jr.
What specific right or privilege is conferred upon all who receive it and also have the power to direct lead and govern the church?
Priesthood keys