Which priesthood was restored to the Earth as recorded in these sections?
Priesthood of Aaron/Aaronhic Priesthood
A ______ and ____________ work is about to come forth unto the children of men.
great; marvelous
Section 16 is a revelation to who?
Peter Whitmer
What is one of Blaine's favorite colors?
light pink
peach orange/coralish
light blue
What was the name of the angel that appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as recorded in these sections?
John (John the Baptist)
What does the Lord declare will be of most worth unto John Whitmer?
To declare repentance unto this people
Whose arm is over all the earth?
The Lord's
What grade does Claire want to teach when she grows up?
The priesthood conferred on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery holds the keys to three things. What are they?
ministering of angels, gospel of repentance, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.
What can we receive if we keep the commandments and endure to the end?
eternal life
In section 17 verse 1, the Lord states "Behold, you must rely upon my _______." Fill in the blank and describe what this means to you.
What state did Lori live in before moving to Lynden?
"The promise was given to Joseph and Oliver that in due time the Priesthood of ________________ would be conferred upon them."
The Lord will bring forth the fulness of His gospel from the _____________ unto the House of Israel.
What are the three witnesses to do after they have obtained faith and seen the plates?
testify of them by the power of God.
Who is related to John Murdock (the man who gave his twins to Joseph and Emma Smith and is mentioned twice in the D&C).
Belinda and Mara
What 6 attributes qualify someone to assist in God's work?
humble, full of love, faith, hope, charity, temperate in all things.
The Lord describes his word as _______ and ___________, sharper than a two-edged ________. Fill in the blanks and describe what this truth means to you.
quick; powerful; sword
What three individuals had an inspired desire to be the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon plates?
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris