Why is every soul precious to god?
Because "the worth of souls is great in the sight of god" D&C 18:10
How many apostles did Jesus Christ originally call in the New Testament?
True or False: A person's worth in God's eyes depends on their choices
False! Every soul is valuable, no matter what.
What does the name "Jesus Christ" mean?
Jesus means savior Christ means Anointed One
Who was the first prophet of the church?
Joseph Smith
His servants, including us! (D&C 18:14)
Name one of the first apostles chosen in this dispensation?
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, or Martin Harris.
What lesson can we learn from the parable of the lost sheep?
God seeks after every lost soul because each one is precious to him
What is one way we can show Christ's love to others?
Serving, forgiving, being kind etc.
What month and year did Joseph Smith see angles for the first time?
September 21, 1823
What brings Jesus Christ joy?
When even one soul repents (D&C 18:13)
What is the role of an apostle today?
To be a witness of Jesus christ to all the world.
A crumpled $20 bill- no matter how wrinkled, its still worth $20!
In D&C 18:11 what did Christ do because of his love for us?
Suffered and died for our sins.
Where was the Book of Mormon first printed?
Palmyra, New York
What book were apostles told to use as a guide?
The Book of Mormon (D&C 18:8-9)
"Go into all the world to preach my gospel."
What does the atonement of Jesus Christ prove about or worth?
That Jesus Christ loves us and we are worth all of the things that he went through.
What do we promise when we take Christ's name upon us at baptism?
To always remember him and follow his example
What happened in the sacred grove?
Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ for the first vision.
What is promised to those who bring souls to Christ?
"Great Joy" in the kingdom of heaven (D&C 18:15-16)
What is the modern name of the quorum that helps lead missionary work in the church?
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son"
What is the most important lesson you have learned today about your worth in Gods eyes?
What is the significance of the Kirtland Temple?
It was the first temple built, and where Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith