This foundational event, restored through Joseph Smith, is the focus of D&C 20.
What is the restoration of the Church of Christ?
According to D&C 20, these are the two types of priesthood offices initially established.
What are elder and priest?
D&C 20 assigns this duty to teachers to watch over and strengthen Church members.
What is "watching over the Church always"?
D&C 21 refers to this pivotal event on April 6, 1830.
What is the organization of the Church?
D&C 20 outlines this essential ordinance required for entrance into the Church.
What is baptism?
D&C 20 describes this principle as guiding Church government and decision-making.
What is common consent?
DAILY DOUBLE! High priests are given the responsibility to act in these two capacities in D&C 20.
What are officiating in Church meetings and expounding the scriptures?
In D&C 21, Church members are commanded to receive words of direction from this individual as if from God.
Who is the Prophet Joseph Smith?
This is the title given to Joseph Smith in relation to the Church in D&C 20:2.
Who is the first elder of the Church?
These six individuals are recorded as the founding members of the Church on April 6, 1830.
Who are Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Samuel H. Smith, David Whitmer, and Peter Whitmer Jr.?
This calling is tasked with maintaining the temporal needs of the Church.
What is a bishop?
This phrase in D&C 21:4 describes how Joseph Smith's words would be delivered to the Saints.
What is "in all patience and faith"?
DAILY DOUBLE! D&C 20 outlines this sacred ritual performed in memory of Jesus Christ’s atonement.
What is the Sacrament?
In D&C 20, this phrase describes the role of deacons in Church meetings.
What is "watching over the Church always"?
In D&C 20, the duties of elders include administering these two specific ordinances.
What are baptism and the Sacrament?
D&C 21:6 promises this blessing for those who follow the counsel of the Prophet.
What is "the gates of hell shall not prevail against you"?