This man was called the first prophet of the Church. (D&C 21.1)
Who is Joseph Smith?
The process by which God reveals His will to His prophets and His people. (D&C 21:4-5)
What is revelation?
This sacred ordinance bestows the gift of the Holy Ghost. (D&C 33:15)
What is confirmation?
The priesthood is divided into these two major orders. (D&C 107:1)
What are the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods?
D&C 21 instructs members to listen to the prophet’s words as if they came from this divine source. (D&C 21:5).
What is God's mouth?
In D&C 21:5, the Lord commands the Saints to receive the prophet’s words “in all ______and _____.”
What is patience and faith?
Ordinances must be performed by this authority. (D&C 42:11)?
What is the priesthood?
This priesthood has the authority to perform baptisms and bless the Sacrament. (D&C 13; D&C 107:13-14)
What is the Aaronic Priesthood?
The Lord commands the Saints to follow the prophet “in all ______ and ______.” (D&C 21:5)
What are patience and faith?
This is a key principle that helps us receive any blessing from God. (D&C 130:21)
What is obedience to the law upon which blessings are predicated?
Baptism is performed by this method, symbolizing Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. (Romans 6:4; D&C 20:73-74)
What is immersion?
The ‘higher’ Priesthood is named after this ancient high priest. (D&C 107:2)
Who is Melchizedek?
The Lord promises that those who follow the prophet will be protected from this adversary. (D&C 21:6)
Who is Satan?
The Lord says that revelation is given "_____ ____ ______, ______ _____ _____" (D&C 98:12)
What is “line upon line, precept upon precept”?
This ordinance allows families to be bound together for eternity. (D&C 132:19)
What is sealing?
The Melchizedek Priesthood holds this. (D&C 107:18)
What are the keys to the spiritual blessings of the church?
This modern prophet taught, “When we heed the words of the prophets, we are blessed.” (D&C 1:38)
Who is President Russell M. Nelson?
The doctrine of continuing revelation teaches that this person will always guide the Church. (D&C 1:38)
Who is the living prophet?
The Lord commands that these sacred ordinances be performed in temples (D&C 124:39).
What are baptisms for the dead and other temple ordinances?
The priesthood gives authority to act in God’s name, but it can only be accessed on these principles. (D&C 121:36)
What are the principles of righteousness?