Four ways I can receive counsel from God
He was told to beware of Pride
Who is Oliver Cowdery
When we want to speak to God we pray, when we want him to speak to us...(Elder Renland October 2022)
What is we search the scriptures?
He was told his time to preach the gospel had not come yet (D&C 23)
Who is Samuel H. Smith?
This team is going to win March Madness NCAA tournament
What is anyone...
Something you need to receive divine guidance (D&C 6:20, 11:10, 18:37-38)
What is A Desire?
His duty is to the church forever
Who is Hyrum Smith?
"Don't delay finding out what the Lord wants to tell you now about who you are" by reading this(Bonnie H. Cordon Oct 2021)
What is your Patriarchal Blessing?
Require not miracles except I shall command you (D&C 24:13)
What is cast out devils, heal the sick and against poisonous serpents, and against deadly poisons
The Lord told Joseph Smith to do this....because he would have many (D&C 24:8)
What is Be patient in afflictions?
When we receive an answer to our questions
What is personal revelation?
He was told to "Take up your cross, in the which you must pray vocally"
Who is Joseph Knight Senior?
President Nelson in October 2022 said "Again and again, I pray for you to feel...
What is Their Love for you?
Sister Fawns' favourite missionary currently
Who is Elder P. Fawns?
President Nelson gave the youth of the church that they each have a role to...
What is Gather Israel?
He even knows our mistakes and told Joseph Smith (D&C 24:2) his transgressions were not excusable but that he should do this
What is Go they way and sin no more?
He was told his calling is to exhortation and to strengthen the church
Who is Joseph Smith?
Joseph Smith was told to write the things which would be given him by...(D&C 24:5-7)
Who is the Comforter?
Oliver was told "he shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with..."
What is the voice of a trump?
He knows me by
What is "everything"?
D&C 23 4 men were told "Thou art under no condemnation". Joseph knight wasn't told this because he was not ______ while the other 4 men were.
What is baptized?
He might say it with words, but it would also flow so strongly—just from His presence—that it would be unmistakable, reaching deep into your heart, filling your whole soul! (Elder Uchtdorf Oct 2022, Jesus Christ is the Strength of Youth)
What is his Deep Love for you?
Jacob 5:62 and D&C 24:19 talk about this
What is pruning the vineyard?
Joseph Smith received this number of revelations in the Doctrine & Covenants
What is 135?