The Smiths
In The Beginning
The First Vision
Come Follow Me
In 1820, wanting to know the true religion, this man prayed in the woods and received a vision of the Godhead. He was visited by the angel Moroni who instructed him on his work of translating the Book of Mormon.
Who was Joseph Smith Jr.?
One of the three witnesses, this man was a school teacher.
Who was Oliver Cowdery?
This ancient Profit delivered the Golden Plates to Joseph Smith.
Who is Moroni?
When Joseph received the first vision he was a young boy of this age.
What is 14?

The reason that "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World" begins with a statement about God’s love.

No wrong answer.

"We solemnly proclaim that God loves His children in every nation of the world."

Joseph's Smiths younger brother, he was the third person to be baptized in the latter days.
Who was Samuel H. Smith?
He took characters from the plates with the translation to New York for testing by Charles Anthon and Samuel Mitchel.
Who was Martin Harris?
The Golden Plates were hidden in this secret hiding place.
Where is the Hill Commorah?
These two personages appeared to him.
Who is God the Father and Jesus Christ?

The question that Joseph Smith asked that could be considered the reason the restoration of the gospel started. 

What is, which of all the churches he should join?

JSH 1:18 "My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join." 

She met Joseph in 1825 and later married him on January of 1827.
Who was Emma Smith?
One of the eight, this man was the first missionary in the Church and served several missions.
Who was Samuel H. Smith?
This man helped finance the printing of The Book of Mormon
Who was Martin Harris?
As Joseph Smith knelt down and began to offer a prayer, he was seized by this dark forced.
What was the force of Satan?

The year that "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Chirst: A Bicentennial Proclimation to the World" was given in this year.

What is 2020

Joseph assigned this man to supervise the printing of the Book of Mormon in Polymer while he was in Harmony.
Who was Hyrum Smith?
This man took the first 116 pages of the Book of Mormon home to show is wife and they disappeared.
Who was Martin Harris?
When the Lord reveals his gospel doctrines, ordinances and priesthood in a specific time period, it is called this.
What is a dispensation?
Joseph wondered which church was true, he found this passage in the Bible which led him to pray and and God which was the true church.
What is James 1:5?

The Apostle at the time of Chirst that was called to lead the church after Jesus was resurrected in Matt 16:18.

Who is Peter?

"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church"

She was the first Prophet's mother.
Who was Lucy Mack Smith?
One of the Eight Witnesses and a brother-in-law to the Whitmers, possessed a certain stone through which he received what he called revelation about the building of Zion and the order of the Church.
Who was Hiram Page?
This is what the Doctrine and Covenants was originally called.
What is the Book of Commandments?
The First Vison occurred in this year of the 1800s
What is 1820?

An ancient ordiannce mentioned in 1 Corithians 15:29 for those who have passed away without having performing for themselves.

What are baptisms for the dead? 

Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?
