JS Translation
Reasons to hearken

Works at school, knowledge of colleges, good essay writer, good relationship with me.

What is a high school counselor?


What Joseph Smith used for his translation of the Bible. (see Rev. in Context: Joseph Smith's Bible Translation, paragraph 3)

What is the King James Version.


The number of times "hearken" is mentioned in section 75.

What is 6 times?

(vs. 1, 2x; vs. 6, vs. 11, vs. 15)


The name of Enoch's city.

What was Zion?


“It is of great significance to me, that I may at any moment and in any circumstance approach through prayer the throne of grace, that my Heavenly Father will hear my petition, that my Advocate, him who did no sin, whose blood was shed, will plead my cause. (See D&C 45:3–5.) I rely heavily on that access to God, which he gives to all his children, for he is indeed no respecter of persons, and he that asks shall receive”

What did Elder D. Todd Christopherson say about Jesus being the advocate?


Member of the church, experience with youth, friendly, easy to talk with, has good advice, interested in me.

What is my YM/YW President or advisor, seminary teachers :)


The Grandin print shop

(See Rev. in Context: Joseph Smith's Bible Translation: The translation process, paragraph 1)

Where was the King James Bible obtained for Joseph's translation work?


Miracles, sons and daughters of God, eternal life

(discuss 45:8, 43:25 and compare)

What promises are made to those who receive Him?


When Enoch lived relative to other prophets:




(use after and before)

What is after, before, before?


First Vision Reference

What is JSH 1:15-20?


Knows the guy (or girl) I'm interested in, has had good relationships with guys (or girls), has been on dates before, has known me for a while and enjoys my company

A good friend


Acted as scribes for the work on the Bible. 

(Rev. in Context, Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible, Translation Process, paragraph 2)

What did Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer and Emma Hale Smith do for Joseph during the translation process?


Light and life, Alpha and Omega

In verses 6-7, the Lord gives two reason for us to hearken to him.  What are they? 


They were separated from the earth.

(also see Moses 7:69)

What happened to the inhabitants of Zion?


The Holy Ghost speaks to our minds and hearts.

What is D&C 8:2-3?


Loves me, has a long history with me (since the beginning), is interested in what I become, is willing to make large sacrifices for me.

Who are my parents?


The first focus of the Bible translation work.

(See Rev. in Context, Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible, D&C 45, paragraph 1)

What was Genesis?


D&C 45:4-5

(read first, display signs)

Which verses describe how Jesus is our advocate?

What does Jesus Christ ask Heavenly Father to consider?

What else does the Savior ask the Father to consider?


New Jerusalem, also called Zion.

(see Moses 7:62-64, D&C 45:12-14)

Where Enoch and his people will return to the earth to meet faithful Latter-day Saints.


Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.

What is D&C 6:36?

Created you spiritually, died for you to redeem you from your sins and shortcomings, advocates for you in all things.

Who is Jesus Christ?


The years during which Joseph Smith worked on the translation of the bible.

What did Joseph Smith work on between 1830-1844?

(Most was completed prior to 1833).


In an hour when ye think not the summer shall be past. (45:2)

What phrase means that summer is the time to labor and prepare for the harvest at the end of the season.

What phrase teaches us that we should repent now while we still have time to labor for the salvation of our souls?


Known for his extreme old age and was Enoch's son who was left on earth and not taken to the city of Enoch (which begs the question of why not?).

(see Genesis 5:21-27)

Who is Methuselah?

Enoch lived 365 years.  Methuselah lived 969 yEARS.


Pinecones and Mistletoe

What used to hang from the chandeliers in the chapel?  And what hangs there now?
