In 1829, Joseph Smith was commanded to do this with regards to translating the BoM. D&C 5:30-34
Stop and wait for help.
God broadcasts His revelations on a divine FM radio station that requires two tuned-in receivers—one for logic and one for love—to catch every word. Name these two essential channels.
What are the mind and the heart?
What's another name for the Holy Ghost that starts with a C
True/false, we can hear the Holy Ghost through words & guidance given to us from others.
A group of flamingos is called a...
What was the 'means' that the Lord promised to provide Joseph Smith to finish translating? (D&C 5:34)
Oliver Cowdery
For Joseph & Oliver, effective translation wasn’t achieved by human effort alone but with the help of a divine companion who ‘comes upon you.’ Who is this indispensable helper?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
We are taught in Galatians 5:22-23 that the Spirit can bear fruit. Name one of these fruits
love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance
Everything that invites and entices us to do good is from ___.
How many hearts to octopuses have?
Oliver desired an opportunity to _________.
Sometimes revelation comes to us quickly in seconds, sometimes slowly over years. This is all according to whose timing?
The Holy Ghost speaks with this type of a voice (Helaman 5:30)
still, perfect mildness, whisper
What experiences have you had with understanding how the Holy Ghost communicates?
What is the only integer that cannot be written in Roman numerals?
Where was Joseph translating the BoM in 1829?
Harmony Pennsylvania
To obtain revelation, we must possess this quality—a modest recognition of personal limitations and a reliance on divine aid. What is this quality?
What is humility?
The Holy Ghost leads us to do _____. (D&C 11:12)
Can the Holy Ghost teach us truths that are not Gospel related?
This number is unlucky in Asian cultures because it sounds like the word for death.
Name a principle that Oliver Cowdery needed to understand in order to translate. (D&C 8:1-5)
reliance on the Holy Spirit, mind & heart, faith & humility, patience & persistence,
In John 14:26, we are taught that the Comforter will "_____ us all things".
The Holy Ghost fills our souls with ___. (D&C 11:13)
The divinity of Jesus Christ
Which is there more of, trees on earth or stars in the Milky Way?
Scientists estimate about 3 trillion trees on Earth vs. 100–400 billion stars in our galaxy