What did Jackson do "early" because he lost an election and felt it was rigged?
What does Abolition mean?
To make something illegal.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
What is the purpose of a Naval Blockade?
To keep an area from getting supplies and reinforcements by surrounding it with ships.
What is Grapeshot?
Turning a cannon into a shotgun with shrapnel.
A tax on imports paid by the consumers who want to buy them.
Who was the prophet of the Mormons?
Joseph Smith
What was Bleeding Kansas?
When John Brown and his sons committed axe murders on pro-slavery towns in retaliation for the Border Ruffians.
What is secession, and how does it apply to the Civil War?
Leaving a group, in this case, states leaving the Union.
How did Sacajawea's diplomacy "work?"
The fact that a woman was with a party implied that the group was peaceful because women didn't go to war.
What is the Trail of Tears?
Military enforced the Cherokee to move to Oklahoma in the winter and many Native Americans died.
After Joseph Smith was killed in a firefight during a jailbreak, _______ _______ led the Mormons to _______.
Brigham Young, Utah
What is popular sovereignty?
What is the name of the Civil War plan that involved a Naval Blockade of the South?
Anaconda Plan
Who led the second "secret mission" to the Louisiana Territory?
Zebulon Pike
Which law was passed so that Andrew Jackson could send the military to South Carolina to collect tariff taxes?
Force Bill
This secretive group (1) helped slaves escape to the North, both by leading groups and providing coded information in a song that said to follow. . . what(2)?
Underground Railroad, Follow the Drinking Gourd
The Abolitionists and Border Ruffians both moved in large numbers to pretend to live there so they could. . . . ..
Affect the outcome of the vote for Kansas to be a Free State or a Slave State
What factors helped the North win the Civil War?
They had more factories and railroads.
How are Candy Canes connected to the Civil War
After the "Crime Against Kansas" speech, where his uncle was called out in public, Preston Brooks caned Charles Sumner. Sumner's supporters used the candy cane motif for re-election activities.
". . . [W]e ask nothing of our Northern brethren but to “let us alone;” leave us to the undisturbed management of our domestic concerns, and the direction of our own industry. . ." (Webster-Haynes Debate)
How does this quote relate to the Nullification Crisis?
The tariff was being enforced on South Carolina, who didn't want it.
"[what now exists] in the slaveholding States . . . is, instead of an evil, a good–a positive good."
Which side would support this quote. . . North or South? Why?
South. They wanted to justify slavery and often used the Bible for this. They argued that slaves never would have learned about Jesus or would have remained "uncivilized."
This supreme court decision ruled that the Missouri Compromises were unconstitutional, meaning that there was "no thing as a free state."
Dred Scott Decision
"Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers set forth on this continent, a new nation conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." Abraham Lincoln
This excerpt is from a speech given by Abraham at the site of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. Where was it?
The South was so desperate for supplies because of the Anaconda Plan Blockade, that they had to collect __________ from the women on the home front to make gunpowder.