How many witnesses are there that didn't see the gold plates?
How many temples were built during the D&C times.
How many other people were with Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail?
How many people first got the priesthood?
Mosquitoes are attracted to people who just ate what.
How many people saw the golden plates?
What are the temples that were constructed during the D&C times?
Nauvoo, Kirtland, and Salt Lake.
How thick were the walls at Liberty Jail.
4 ft.
Who conferred the Aaronic Priesthood?
John the Baptist.
How many eyelids do Camels have?
What are the names of those who saw the Golden Plates? (At least two right).
Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David Whitmer.
In which temple did they start Endowments?
How tall was the first story of Liberty Jail?
6.5 ft.
Who conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood?
Peter, James, and John.
What color are the sunsets on Mars?
What are the names of the eight witnesses? (At least two right).
Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer Jr., John Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith Sr., Hyrum Smith, and Samuel H. Smith.
Who appeared in the temple at Kirtland?
Jesus Christ
Who else was with Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail? (At least two right).
Hyrum Smith, Sideny Rigdon, Lyman Wight, Caleb Baldwin, and Alexander McRea.
Who was the first to be baptized?
Oliver Cowdery.
Which state has more caribou than humans?
Who showed the plates to the three witnesses?
An angle.
Why did the temple have to be open 24/7 in Nauvoo?
They were about to be exterminated and had to do make covenants.
how long was Josheph Smith and others in Liberty Jail?
4 Months.
Why did John (the Baptist) confer the Aaronic Priesthood?
He was a descendant if Aaron.
How do bees navigate themselves?
The sun.