We receive Revelation in our mind and in our heart.
Doctrine and Covenants 8:2-3
This event started the Restoration, and teaches us that:
1) if we ask God in faith, He will answer our prayers
2) God the Father and Jesus Christ are separate beings.
The First Vision
The head and founder of the LAST DISPENSATION before the Second Coming of Christ.
We promise these 2 things to God when we take the sacrament each Sunday.
1) Keep His Commandments
2) Always Remember Him
Only _________ ________ can receive revelation for the entire Church today.
President Nelson
The voice of God and the voice of the prophet are the same.
Doctrine and Covenants 1:37-38
A long period of time when, because of wickedness, the Priesthood was not on the earth.
the Great Apostasy
(a "pasta" c)
This book was given to Joseph Smith (and us) to help clarify corrupted teachings in the Bible. It teaches key doctrines of the gospel.
The Book of Mormon
“I will tell you in your ____ and in your _____, by the ________ _________.”
mind, heart, Holy Ghost
The _______ _________ (a member of the Godhead) teaches us how to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Ghost
Because Christ suffered for our sins, we, through repentance, don't have to suffer as He did.
Doctrine and Covenants 19:16-19
Some of the meanings for this word are:
a) the Lord's covenant people
b) the pure in heart
c) Independence, Missouri
d) the Church and all of its stakes.
(Zion's national park)
"You should not have feared man more than God" was the lesson the Lord taught Joseph Smith following this event.
the loss of the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript
God requires this temple ordinance for ALL men and women before they can be exalted (reach the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom).
Eternal Marriage
__________ _________ are blessings and abilities the Holy Ghost gives us. Each person has at least one, and they enrich our lives and further God's work on earth.
Spiritual Gifts
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God.
Doctrine and Covenants 18:10-11
What is the new and everlasting covenant?
The fulness of the _________
The fulness of the gospel
These men appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to restore the Melchizedek Priesthood.
Peter, James, and John
(Double point bonus: Who restored the Aaronic Priesthood?)
This law asks that we give our time, talents, and all material wealth to the Lord.
The Law of Consecration
God spoke to Oliver Cowdery like He often speaks to us, by speaking "peace to his mind." This is one example of _______________.
“The only true and living church.”
Doctrine and Covenants 1:30
This term expresses the state of a person who sins and experiences separation from God.
Spiritual death
(Spirit Yule Death)
List these events in order:
1) The Church is officially organized
2) Joseph Smith sees the First vision
3) The Priesthood is Restored
4) Angel Moroni gives Joseph Smith the Gold Plates
5) The Church center moves to Kirtland, Ohio
1) Joseph Smith sees the First Vision
2) Angel Moroni gives him the Gold Plates
3) The Priesthood is Restored
4) The Church is Organized
5) The Church moves to Kirtland, Ohio
Because Christ drank of the bitter cup, we can drink from the ________ ______ each Sunday and repent.
sacrament cup
Because of ____ _____________ ___ ________ ________, we can overcome physical and spiritual death.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ