I was a child at David Chapel, became a member, and I work with the children and young adults.
Keith Overton-Hadnot
She has been a Sunday School teacher, an usher, a youth worker and leader of the youth ushers.
Mrs. Bessie Evans.
She is one of the leaders of the group that ministers in our costumes with expression to the music.
Mrs. Clarissa Overton.
Paul was from this tribe of Israel.
She has been a member of David Chapel for many years. Was a youth usher. Her Mother and Father were ushers and her son is a minister.
Mrs. Dorothy Johnson Green.
Pastor S.L. Davis served as pastor during this time period.
The old saying goes, “The early bird catches the worm”. This person rises early and invites others to join in prayer.
Deacon Kenneth Green.
He sings in the choir, leads many songs, and will tell a story before singing.
Mr. Elmo Green.
Name the book: "And They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."
The book of Revelation
He has been a member for many years. Was a dedicated usher. He helps out where ever he can for the good of the church.
Mr. Michael Toliver.
Served as Pastor from 1948-1950.
Pastor W. I. Rector.
Member when David Chapel was on 14th Street. Chairman of the Deacons for many, many years. The church was first named for his family and later changed.
Deacon Walter Davis.
She is a longtime member of David Chapel. Her husband was a deacon. She used to sing in the choir, loves praising the Lord, attending D-Group and her prayers are powerful.
Mrs. Loretta Johnson.
Paul and Barnabas ended their partnership in ministry over this issue.
The presence of John Mark.
Has been a member for numerous years. Attended Sunday School, sung in the choir and became Director of Sunday School.
Mrs. Mary Caldwell.
Attended David Chapel as a baby. Joined when he was a child. Son of the church. Morehouse Graduate.
Reverend Dr. Kevn Johnson.
He was the Director of BTU, New Members Orientation teacher and a deacon.
Deacon Charles Drain.
Played the piano faithfully for many years at David Chapel on 14th Street and current location. Served as Directress and pianist.
Mrs. Rubelia Davis.
The first queen mentioned in the bible.
He was a member of David Chapel for many years. Was a photographer and chairman of the Trustee Board.
Mr. Carl Evans.
Name the 8 Pastors of David Chapel.
Rev. L. M. Marshall; Rev. S. L. Davis; Rev. E. G. Gibbs; Rev. W. I. Rector; Rev. E. H. Branch; Rev. J. L. Dawson; Rev. James E. Obey; Rev. Joseph C. Parker
She was baptized in the Colorado River. A member of the youth choir, captain of the drill team, President of Junior Mission, Youth Director, and was crowned Queen of David Chapel Youth Department for the year 1956-1957.
Mrs. Nancy Thompson.
She was a member of the Senior Choir and Mission Chorus. Served as Vice President of Mission 1 and President of Sarah Marshall Circle. Was faithful in training Union Leadership #1 and a fifth grade Sunday School teacher. She also participated in the church bus Ministry.
Mrs. Susanella Phillips.
The source of contention between Peter and Paul.
The circumcision of the Gentiles.
She was a member of David Chapel when it was on 14th Street. Served as Vice President of Usher Board #1, announcing clerk from 1954 to 1955 and chairman of the Youth Ushers and the Easter Parade in 1950. She also served as secretary of Mission 1 and sung in the Women’s Chorus on 5th Sundays.
Mrs. Mary Frances Dallas.