Established the colony of Georgia and the city of Savannah
James Oglethorpe
German mercenary Soldiers
Formally approve
British policy of forcing unidentifiable sailors onto British ships to serve in their navy
Kitchen Cabinet – who had one?
Andrew Jackson
Joint-stock company; economically successful
London Company
Leader of the fledgling Continental Navy
Merchant sailing vessels outfitted for war
John Paul Jones
A loose association or league of states
original (first) governing document of the United States and year it was ratified
Articles of Confederation, 1777
Battle fought after the War of 1812 was over; Commander of this battle
Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
arrangement in which Jackson replaced hundreds of capable government workers with his own friends
Jackson’s executive order requiring that government land be paid for in gold or silver
Spoils system
Specie circular
America on the eve of discovery
regretted that he had but one life to give for his country
group of committed (and radical) patriots who organized and held rallies to protest taxation
colonists were forced to house and feed British soldiers with the issuing of the
Nathan Hale
Sons of Liberty
Quartering Act
Provided a process territories could follow to be granted statehood
What the Judiciary Act of 1789 established
System used to elect the president (first used in 1789)
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
A federal court system
Electoral College
Reasons we declared war on Britain in 1812
British support of Indian uprisings
Impressment of American sailors
Two men who debated over nullification
Gained the territory of Florida for the U.S.
Robert Hayne (SC – supported) & Daniel Webster (MA – opposed)
Adams-Onis Treaty
Give three results of the French and Indian War.
France gave up her claim to all territory east of the Mississippi River, EXCEPT New Orleans.
Britain gained control of Canada
Britain received Florida from Spain
France gave Spain the Louisiana Territory.
(To compensate for the loss of Florida)
Results of the Stamp Act
Delegates met to formally denounce the law
Parliament repealed the law
Standard set for others to follow in the future
was an uprising of angry distillers over a federal excise tax in rebellion against federal law
Purpose of the 12th Amendment
Whiskey rebellion
Correct irregularities in presidential elections
Where the Star Spangled Banner was written
Ended the War of 1812
Ft. McHenry
Treaty of Ghent
Jackson’s Native American policy
What did Jackson think of the National Bank?
Removed Indians to reservations on unused Western lands
It benefitted Northern bankers, not Southern farmers.
Explain at least two differences between mercantilism and free market capitalism.
Mother country controls colonies (must trade exclusively w/ mother country)
Zero-sum—one country’s gain means another country’s loss
Can trade with whomever you choose
Trade benefits all parties
Who are the Children of the Twice-Born? Explain their heritage and how their two birthrights affected the writing of the Declaration of Independence, the war itself, and the United States Constitution.
They are Founding Fathers’ generation—Their parents went through the Great Awakening, but they came of age during the Enlightenment.
They were imbued with spiritual truth AND human wisdom, which (for them) did not contradict.
Declaration says we are endowed by our Creator (God) with rights, and that governmental power is derived from among men (Enlightenment).
Constitution is based on both biblical and enlightenment ideas.
Status of American slavery from the end of the Revolution to 1793
Hamilton’s economic interests for the new nation
Allowed for Nullification -- Supported by Madison & Jefferson
Sent by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory
All northern states abolished slavery
Manufacturing; entrepreneurship
Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions
Meriwether Lewis / William Clark
Results of the war of 1812
Increased patriotism
US gained fishing rights in Canada
American manufacturing increased
US/Canada border restored
Northern industrialists, term limits supporters, and national bank supporters were likely members of what party?
procedural motion issued in the House of Representatives in 1836, which automatically tabled anti-slavery petitions
Whig Party
Gag Rule