The main human character of this story.
Who is Jimmy?
What is a dune?
A big mound of sand
What book did Granny use to teach the kids about having good character?
The Bible
Where does Granny live?
Lands End
Squirrels ran back and forth, chattering at Jimmy.
Strong Verb
He found the original clay ball and led them to the treasure at the end of the book.
Who is Blackie?
What is a busy body?
Somebody who is too nosy.
The town council decided to break the beach into quadrants and only allow hand tools. What is a quadrant?
One of four parts
Granny referred to this place as a tourist trap.
An Amusement Park
Write a short sentences about Blackie with a who/which clause.
Answers vary, but must be a complete sentence!
Who is Jimmy's brother?
What is a curator of a museum?
the organizer
What did Jimmy and Blackie find on the beach?
an emerald
Granny took the gem to Mr. Culpepper. Where did he work?
A museum
Jimmy rubbed his sleepy eyes.
Quality Adjective
Who was the grandmother's helper?
What are pruning sheers?
A tool to trim bushes.
The folks on the island had a touch of Treasure Fever. What does Treasure Fever imply?
All they could think about was finding the treasure!
Where did the family find Blackie?
At Bill's house.
They looked at the ball blankly.
ly adverb
Who stole Blackie at the end of the story?
He whispered hoarsely. What does hoarsely mean?
with a scratchy voice
Who gets the treasure at the end of the story?
The squirrels!
What was the name of the town where Granny lived?
Pelican Cove
Fill in the blank. Everyone was searching the beach because.....
Answers vary