This monster is subjected to its own stone-cold gaze if it sees its reflection.
What is a medusa?
What is a pegasus?
All lair actions occur on this initiative count, losing ties.
What is initiative 20?
I like my hot wings how I like this floppy monster.
What is a boneless?
Despite its resemblance to a flumph, a gas spore should be avoided due to the deadly spores that it releases on death.
A gas spore resembles a beholder, not a flumph.
A troll recovers 10 hit points at the start of each of its turns unless it takes fire or this type of damage.
What is acid?
What is a nightmare?
As a lair action, this slimy aberration can cast Phantasmal Force on as many creatures as it wants.
What is an aboleth?
You might find a hobbit making a home in one of these, if it were grassy enough.
What is a gnoll (knoll)?
Yuan-ti are former humanoids who transform into serpentine monstrosities through a ritual that invokes Dendar, the Night Serpent. The highest-ranking of Yuan-ti, the purebloods, command absolute authority.
Purebloods are actually among the lowest of the hierarchy.
Several monsters, such as animated armor and flying swords, can instantly fall unconscious if they are targeted by what?
What is Dispel Magic?
What is a guard drake?
These quadripedal monstrosities can use a lair action to alter time, causing every creature to reroll their initiative.
What are sphinxes/what is an androsphinx/gynosphinx.
If you dropped your glasses, you might find a ______ one of them.
What is a kraken (crack in)?
A beholder's center eye projects a massive cone of anti-magic, rendering spellcasters and magic equipment within powerless before the beholder's eye rays.
A beholder's eye rays are magical, so they don't work in its cone.
A gnoll vampire is restrained if it hears this language being spoken from multiple sources in opposite directions.
What is Celestial?
What is a ki-rin?
A merrenoloth can make this its lair if it is contracted to take command of one.
What is a ship?
You should see a doctor if you found this monster inside your bones.
What is a merrow (marrow)?
The shadow's attack reduces a creature's Strength score, not Constitution.
This monster can be banished to the plane of Gehenna if it starts its turn engulfed in a large enough fire.
What is a barghest?
What is an almiraj?
Taking a rest on an island that this monster has made its lair runs the risk of having one of your valuables misplaced, only for it to appear in its hoard upon its defeat.
What is a morkoth?
If your lover is especially fond of kissing you in the spot between your head and your shoulder, they might be a _________.
What is a necromancer (neck romancer)?
Rakshasas are powerful, shapeshifting devils with nightmare-inducing claws and an impressive immunity to spells that are 6th level or lower.
While they live in the Nine Hells, rakshasas are not devils.