This classic D&D dragon has multiple heads, each with its own breath weapon.
Who/What is Tiamat
This common potion restores hit points.
What is a Potion of Healing (Potion of cure wounds for 1/2 value)
The correct name for a 20-side die is
What is Icosahedron
This spell lights up an area or object, dispelling darkness
What is Light
This class gains the Rage ability
What is a Barbarian
This tentacled monster floats through the Underdark, consuming minds.
What is a Mind Flayer (Illithid)
A bag that holds more than it appears to
What is a Bag of Holding
This term refers to rolling two D20s and taking the higher result
What is advantage
A classic fire-based spell that hurls a small ball of flame.
What is Fireball
This class gains the 'Arcane Recovery' ability at 1st level - which allows them to recover pell slots with a combined level equal to or less than half their level
What is a Wizard
This iconic D&D monster is a floating orb covered in eyestalks
What is a Beholder
This (Blank) allows you to tread or stand on water as though it were solid ground.
What is a ring of water walking
This action allows you to move at full speed without provoking an opportunity attack.
What is Disengage
This spell heals an ally by touch
What is Cure Wounds
This class gains a boon from a higher power at level 3.
What is a Warlock
This stealthy feline predator can teleport short distances
What is a Displacer Beast
This orbital stone provides its user a variety of different buffs or abilities based on its size, shape and colour.
What are Ioun Stones
The number a creature must meet or exceed to hit an opponent
What is Armor Class
(AC for 1/2 value)
This spell summons a magical barrier that blocks attacks.
What is Shield
This class gaines the Beast Master ability at 3rd level.
What is Ranger
A powerful demon lord known as the 'Prince of Demons'
An artifact that grants the wearer the wish spell
What is a Ring of Three Wishes
When a character drops to 0 hit points, they must succeed on this to avoid death
What is a Death Saving Throw
What is Resurrection
This class has an ability to return to their full hit point or adjusted hit point value based on damage taken, when being brought to or below zero ( 0 ) hit points.
What is a Druid