The "R" in the acronym RACE stands for this?
What is RESCUE
All new admissions or any patient that has had a fall during their stay at EH should be placed on this.
What is HIGH fall risk
This class of medications can put a patient at risk for developing C Diff
What are antibiotics
A transparent gel dressing used for pressure injury prevention
What is Optiview
The color of the trash bags for Cytoxic waste is this?
What is YELLOW
A patient with a yellow bracelet and BR supervision, bed and chair alarm on zone 2 should be on this type of fall precaution
What is BASIC
This group of medications are identified and evaluated for possible harm using resources such as the Institute for Safe medication Practices (ISMP)
What are high risk medications
The Encompass health guidelines used for wound care for new wounds, when there are no orders or any change in the condition of the wound
What is the DIMES protocol
The acronym PASS is used to help remember the use of this device?
What is a Fire extinguisher
This level of fall risk requires the Fall Risk sign outside of the patient's room
What is HIGH Fall risk
This class of medications require a yellow sign and yellow trash bag placed in a patient's room
What are cytotoxic medications
The supplement given to patients to aide in wound healing
What is Juven
Workplace violence should be reported in RL under this category?
What is Safety and Security
What should the patient have on their feet to help prevent falls
Non skid socks or shoes
These OTC medications can cause dizziness, sedation, confusion, or blurred vision
What are antihistamines
RN's and RNT's that assess the P's; pain, potty, patient possessions, proximity and environment and document these are done are completing what activity associated with patient care
What is Purposeful Rounding
Patient complaints should be entered in this system?
What is eCalm
Oxycodone is a medication that can increase the risk of falls. What class of medications is oxycodone
What is an opioid/controlled substance Class II
This list includes medications that are deemed to be potentially inappropriate in older adults
What is the BEERS list
Patient is a high risk for skin breakdown with intact skin. The following interventions should be in place: air mattress, Wedge, offloading heel device, turn patient, and IPOC for potential skin breakdown and a bed schedule.
What is the Braden protocol for a score of < or equal to 14