Building on Campus
Mixture of questions

The current main school building is named for a former 1940s-era principal of the John De la Howe School who later became superintendent of the school in 1966. What was his name?

What is L.S. Brice


When Doctor De la Howe first bought this property in 1768, South Carolina was still a colony of England. What official unit of money would been used to determine the selling price?

What is The British Pound (or Pound Sterling) 


In what South Carolina city did Dr. John de la Howe first settle before moving inland to this piece of land?

What is Charleston


One of the first crops Doctor De la Howe attempted to grow on this land was a species from the bean family that was used to make blue dye. What is that plant?

What is Indigo


What all works in the President's House?

Who is Dr. Keown, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Miller, 

Mr. McCullough, Mr. Murphy, and Ms. Smith


One of our female residence halls is named in honor of the original name for Doctor De la Howe's plantation. What was it called?

What is Lethe


Before this was McCormick County, this area sat inside one of seven governmental districts created by South Carolina in 1768. This district was named for the number of miles from the nearest Cherokee Indian trading village. What was it called?

What is Ninety-Six District 


The John de la Howe property sits alongside a small tributary – one of four bodies of water in South Carolina that share the same name -- that flows out of the much larger Savannah River? Name that tributary

What is Little River


Cyrus McCormick, the man for whom this county is named, was an inventor whose farm equipment business became part of what famous tractor company

What is the International Harvester


Who makes up the Residential Staff?

Who is Ms. Martin, Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Herring, Mr. Bland, Mr. Tollison, Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Sealey, Ms. Gordon, Ms. Espinosa, Mrs. Meehan, Ms. McMahan, and Ms. Cockrell


One of our male residence halls bears the name of a historic nearby town and county that is named for a town in northwest France near the English Channel. What is the name?

What is Abbeville


In 1764, a group of French immigrants established a nearby settlement named for a region in southern France. What was that village called?

What is New Bourdeaux


Doctor De la Howe spent most of his last years here in a relationship with a much younger woman who died before he died and is buried in the tomb with him. What was her first name?

Who is Rebekah


Doctor De la Howe also bought part of his land from another nearby settlement named for a creek where 10-foot-tall stalks of bamboo were known to grow. What was that settlement called?

What is Long Canes


Who makes up our great cafeteria staff?

Who is Mrs. Cassie, Mrs. Beth, Ms. San, and Ms. Lisa 


One of our female residence halls is named for the group of French Protestant immigrants that fled religious persecution and settled in the village of New Bourdeaux. What were these immigrants called?  

What is Huguenot


The main road that leads into our school campus from Highway 81 is named for a John de la Howe School superintendent hired in 1932 who served for 34 years. What was his name?

Who is E.F. Gettys


Doctor De la Howe was born in the 717th year of the Second Millennium and died in 1797. How old was he when Doctor de la Howe died?

What is 80 years old


What organization, dedicated to promoting farming in the Palmetto State’s lowcountry, was named in Doctor de la Howe’s will as the entity to oversee his estate?

What is the Agricultural Society of South Carolina 


Who makes up the front lobby of L.S. Brice?

Who is Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Lively, and Ms. Newton


What building at the Governor’s School for Agriculture is depicted on the current official logo for the school?

What is the Dairy Barn


The block building that now houses the Residential Life offices is named for a De la Howe School superintendent hired in 1979 who was recently inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame. What is his name?

Who is John C. Shiflet


The last will and testament of Dr. John de la Howe, which first established this property as a school, specifically states how many boys and girls were to be cared for at Lethe Agricultural Seminary. How many total boys AND girls together did Doctor de la Howe specify in his will?

What is 24 (12 boys, 12 girls)


The John de la Howe Forest, a small piece of protected land on the back part of this property, was named a Registered Natural Landmark by the National Park Service in 1976. The National Park Service is a division of what larger, cabinet-level federal government department?

What is the Department of the Interior 


Who has been employed the longest?

Who is Frank Dorn
