I'm Going To Disney
Coffee Coffee Coffee
In the Fruit Aisle
Welcome to Walmart
Familar State

Walt Disney World was first opened to the public in this year

What is 1971


This coffee can be translated to literally mean "force out"

What is Espresso


When ripe, these fall fruits can bounce

What are cranberries


American businessman Sam Walton founded Walmart and opened his first store in Roger, Arkansas, in 1962. However, it wasn’t called Walmart during this time. Instead, it was referred to as  

What is Wal-Mart Discount City

This state had the first girl scout cookie ever sold back in 1917. This state also had two beautiful and amazing kids born there

What is Oklahoma


She flies over the Magic Kingdom every night during the "Happily Ever After" nighttime spectacular

Who is Tinker Bell


Instant coffee has been around for longer than you think. Its been around for this many years

What is 250 years


A cup of this dried fruit contains more calcium than you would get in a cup of milk

What are figs


This state consists of over 600 Walmart locations. Behind this state is Florida and California which both have over 300 stores each

What is Texas


This states name can be translated to mean "large river" as well as being home of the Mustangs

What is Mississippi


This ride is the fastest ride throughout all four Disney World parks

What is Test Track


This country seems to favor coffee the most as it holds the title of the country that drinks the most coffee

What is Finland


These popular fruits can be kept fresh for up to a year with the right conditions and technique when harvesting them

What are apples


This city contains the largest Walmart in the United States. Not only is the store 260,000 square-foot but is one of the few Walmarts that operate with two floors

What is Albany, New York


This state is home to 12 different climate zones and has given multiple homes to the De La Rosa Family

What is Georgia


It takes this many steps in order for you to reach the next trash can in the Disney Parks

What is 30 steps


Before coffee became a popular breakfast drink, this drink was in its place back in the 1700s

What is Beer


These fruits are not just one singular fruit, but a cluster of flowering berries which form a spiral pattern that form the fruit you know and love

What are pineapples


This celebrity has the largest Walmart order, totalling 70,000 dollars. This purchase was initially declined because it was seen as a suspicious purchase

Who is Shaq


This state has 1.5 million acres dedicated to one of the most famous national parks. This state even taught some kids to kick and flip

What is Florida


The Tree of Life in Disney's Animal Kingdom has this many carvings of animals on it

What is 325


These two states lead the nation in producing more coffee than any other state

What are Hawaii and California


This fruit could give both bananas and oranges a run for their money due to this fruit's high vitamin C and potassium levels

What are kiwis


The first international Walmart was placed here

What is Mexico City

This state was named after the Queen Henrietta Maria of England and also houses an almost godly musician

What is Maryland
