Comfort Foods
Cute Animals
Healthy Habits
Mental Health

This is the minimum number of hours of sleep recommended by medical professionals. 

What is 8 hours?


This food group is rich in carbohydrates and often used in comfort food dishes.

What are cereals/grains/breads?


This adorable animal is considered humanity's best friend.

What are dogs?


Doctors recommend everyone drink at least 64 ounces of this drink a day. 

What is water?


This psychological condition is defined by feelings of unease and worry. It is often accompanied by muscular tension, restlessness, and fatigue.

What is an anxiety disorder/anxiety?


This is a unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds, characterized by the fast twitching of their optical organs.

What is Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep?


The main ingredient in this fried comfort food dish originated in the Americas. The dish is popular all around the world.

What are French Fries/fried potatoes? 


Pets can have a therapeutic affect on patients with this neurological disorder that primarily afflicts the elderly. 

What is dementia?


This natural activity, when conducted regularly, is great for improving blood circulation, flexibility, and muscle development. Both humans and animals have evolved to do this as an instinctive activity.

What is stretching?


This is a mental health professional who who uses verbal psychological methods, particularly when based on regular personal interaction, to help a person change behavior, increase happiness, and overcome problems.

What is a psychotherapist/psychologist/counselor?


This practice sleeping during two periods over the course of 24 hours, usually in the afternoon after a meal, is common throughout the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, and many countries in Latin America. 

What is a siesta?


This warm poultry dish is often served as a folk remedy for people with the flu or a cold.

what is chicken soup?


This type of service animal provides emotional relief to individuals with various psychological conditions. It encompasses animals of all species.

What is an emotional support animal?


Increased rates of asthma, lung cancer, and cardiovascular disease is associated with this addictive habit.

What is smoking tobacco/cigarettes?


This is UC Berkeley's go-to resource for those struggling with mental health issues on-campus. 

What is Counseling And Psychological Services (CAPS)? 


This is the longest length of time a human being has gone without sleeping.

What is 11 days?


This US president was the first to be served macaroni & cheese at a state dinner. 

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This neurological chemical is released in our brains when we see cute animals, cuddle, or see/do other forms of physical affection.

What is oxytocin? 


This group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices originated in ancient India, and is recommended by medical experts as a form of physical exercise to help with lower back pain, stress, and circulation.

What is yoga?


This mental health practice emphasizes the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. It is often paired with meditation practices and yoga.

What is mindfulness?


This marine mammal holds hands with others while they sleep so they don't drift away from each other.

What are sea otters?


When people feel this way, they are more likely to eat comfort foods due to increased appetite from stress. 

What is sadness/depression/grief/anxiety?


This animal is often used as a substitute for service dogs for disabled Muslims and disabled people with dog hair allergies. 

What is a mini-horse?


Stress causes depletion of this important dietary mineral in the human body, as it plays a role in the body's stress response system. It can be supplemented through increased consumption of vegetables (especially leafy greens like spinach), spices, nuts, as well as coffee and tea.

What is magnesium?


This psycho-social intervention/therapy style is used to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and focuses on challenging behaviors and developing coping mechanisms. 

What is cognitive behavioral therapy?
