What is Federal Tax Information?
Three month period where you can buy health insurance through the Marketplace.
What is Open Enrollment?
The names of the AWS accounts that are managed under DEA.
What is AI Non-Prod and AI Prod?
This law created the Health Insurance Marketplace (healthcare.gov).
What is the Affordable Care Act?
What is Standalone Eligibility Service?
Ability to start a new enrollment or pick a different plan outside of Open Enrollment
What is SEP?
A service that is used to extract, transform, and load data.
What is Glue?
Name the five teams under DEA
What is Pearl, Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst?
What is Cost Sharing Reductions?
This occurs when a consumer has attested to a life event and granted a SEP that needs to be verified before the policy can be released.
What is SVI?
What is Athena?
Name all the core FFE applications
What is American Indian / Alaska Native?
Plan type that has low premiums typically for young people and only covers essential health benefits.
What is a catastrophic plan?
This is part of the application management tools offered by AWS that allows you to create key-value parameters to save different configurations such as credentials.
What is parameter store?
When a consumer uploads a supporting document for their DMI, this document is stored by this service
What is the DSRS?
What is Marketplace Innovation and Technology Group?
Two ways to become eligible for CSR
What is income or federally recognized tribe member?
The DEA streaming application is hosted on this AWS service
What is EMR Cluster?
Three states that are not part of the FFE
What is Virginia, Georgia, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington?